Forgiveness can seem like an overwhelming undertaking for many people. The same can be true for those in addiction recovery. Substance use doesn't just affect the individual's physical and mental health, but it ripples throughout their life – severing important relationships, depleting financial resources, and eroding ... Read More
Learning Center
FHE Health is dedicated to educating the American public—especially individuals, families, and communities—about mental health and substance abuse topics. In our Learning Center, you'll find articles on alcoholism, substance abuse, behavioral and mental health, and other treatment-related issues. Our articles are written both for the person in need of treatment as well as loved ones seeking more information. We also provide information for those who have gone through treatment and are building a new life in recovery.
Forgiving Yourself – Why it’s the Key to Long-Term Recovery
What to Expect During Medical Detox
Medical detox is often a critical first stage in recovery from substance abuse and addiction, yet many people do not know what to expect during this process. This article will provide an overview of how medical detox works, what it entails, and key elements to expect. The Purpose of Medical Detox For those struggling ... Read More
Learning to Forgive: The Benefits for Addiction Recovery
For those in recovery from substance abuse, forgiveness is often a powerful tool for healing, learning, and personal growth. Embracing forgiveness lets people unburden themselves of resentment, guilt or shame, so they can step into a healthier and more fulfilling life. Whether this involves forgiving oneself or ... Read More
Why Quitting Alcohol Is So Hard
An estimated 62 percent of American adults report drinking alcohol at least sometimes. Of those who drink, 69 percent have had a drink within the last week. 19 percent think they drink more than they should. 10.2 percent of Americans aged 12 and older have alcohol use disorder (AUD), meaning they struggle to stop or ... Read More
Drug Profile: What Are Inhalants?
Common household items have a long history of being used by people for a purpose other than what they were intended for. Things like spray paint, glue, contact cement, nail polish, and paint thinner are inhaled through the nose or mouth for the quick and inexpensive "high" they give. Even medicinal gases and compounds, ... Read More
Understanding Drug-Seeking Behavior
Prescription drug addiction is a challenging and often misunderstood issue. According to the CDC, nearly 8.6 million U.S. adults misuse prescription drugs each year. For people struggling with substance use disorders, drug-seeking behavior can become a way to maintain their addiction, often involving attempts to obtain ... Read More
How to Forgive a Parent with an Addiction
Loving an addict is difficult at any age, but being the child of a drug-addicted parent can be downright devastating. Addiction is a disease that affects the entire family, and when you're a kid in a household controlled by drugs, you're often faced with situations nobody should ever have to deal with. Maybe you missed ... Read More
How Self-Esteem Can Affect Mental Health
Self-esteem is widely regarded as a component of good mental health. However, while the benefits of being confident and limiting self-deprecating behavior might seem obvious at first glance, the truth is that these traits could be a sign of positive well-being. Why is self-esteem important? An appropriate sense of ... Read More