Substance use is an ongoing issue in the United States, and around half of all people age 12 or older have used an illicit drug at some point in their lives. Club drugs such as LSD, ecstasy, and methamphetamine are some of the most commonly used substances. Men are more likely than women to use these substances, but no ... Read More
The Experience Blog
FHE Health is comprised of a team of professionals dedicated to improving our patients well-being. In this section our experience is used to weigh in on current events including legislation and trends as well as expert opinion articles directly contributed by our staff. The proof of our program is our Alumni, so we often feature articles from those who have completed our program. They offer real-life stories of struggle, hope and a new life. In our blog you’ll also find out about upcoming events and community impact efforts FHE Health is taking part in.
What Are the Party and Club Drugs — and Why?
Self-Care in a Helping Profession: An Expert’s Insights
People who enter helping and caregiving professions often do so because they want to help others — and helping others can be a source of joy and fulfillment. Even so, research has found that rates of job stress, particularly emotional stress, are higher among this population, increasing susceptibility to ... Read More
Parentification: Examples and Mental Health Effects
Children look first to their parents for security and love. This attachment can have a profound and far-reaching impact on children’s development, affecting their mental health in adulthood — for better and for worse. When a child feels insecure in this most formative relationship in their life, it might be for ... Read More
Is it an Addiction or a Compulsive Behavior?
Most of us can relate to trying to break a stubborn habit. But when does a pattern of behavior become an addiction or compulsion? Identifying addictive and compulsive disorders — and distinguishing between them — is the first step to healthier behavior. Is It an Addictive or Compulsive Disorder? Addiction occurs when ... Read More
John Mayer on Sobriety
John Mayer is known for many things. The heartthrob has a successful career as a musician, has dated some of Hollywood's most beautiful women and has released songs that are still popular today. However, over the last couple of years, Mayer has drawn attention to a new topic in his interviews: addiction. John Mayer's ... Read More
Consequences of Alcoholism: Loss of Your License
Despite alcohol being legal and the fact that most people consume it from time to time, consuming too much can have major consequences. Alcohol use disorder (AUD), more colloquially called "alcoholism," is defined by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) as an impaired ability to control ... Read More
Tai Chi, Qugong, and Ancient Mind-Body Practices
Did ancient Chinese healers understand something about mental health that modern medicine is just catching up to in recent decades? Maybe — the type of mind-body practices inherent in Chinese medicine thousands of years ago can have a beneficial impact on physical and mental health. Learn more about whether cultivating ... Read More
Is Sobriety Boring?
Is Being Sober Boring? It’s a question that comes up often. The answer is multi-faceted. As people grow in their recovery, their worldview, their ability to follow through with a plan, and their willingness to take risks change over time. The good news is that recovery can open the door to a life full of meaning, ... Read More