When you’re addicted to alcohol, getting sober isn’t easy if you try to do it alone. The professionals at FHE Health understand the difficulties that come with trying to move past an addiction. At our state-of-the-art Deerfield Beach alcohol rehab campus, we provide the latest and most effective treatment options and a supportive, safe environment.
The beautiful weather in Broward County means patients at our Deerfield Beach campus can enjoy indoor and outdoor activities throughout the detox and recovery process. We know being comfortable and learning how to enjoy a healthy lifestyle can help you as you work toward beating the addiction that has your life in upheaval.
Why Is Treatment for Alcohol Dependency Important?
Alcohol is the second most commonly abused substance in the United States. Alcohol use disorders impact an estimated 5% of women and 10% of men. It can lead to troubles in every aspect of life, including an individual’s personal and professional life.
Because addiction is a disease and not a choice, you must ensure you get help when you realize you can’t stop drinking. It isn’t fully understood why some people become addicted to alcohol and others don’t. At FHE Health, we realize that we need to treat every aspect of your life instead of only focusing on the addiction.
Excessive alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on your overall health. The alcohol takes a significant toll on the liver and other organs. Because of this, getting swift treatment is imperative.
Why Is Deerfield Beach Ideal for Destination Treatment?
Sometimes remaining in one’s present home and location is the worst thing they can do when beginning their addiction recovery journey. Why? Because home is filled with the triggers that compel people to use. For instance, there may be a peer group of friends present that continues to abuse alcohol or drugs. A person’s homelife might not be presently conducive to recovery; there may be difficult relationship challenges or other problems that can threaten to derail early recovery when individuals are still so vulnerable to the temptation to use.
Removing oneself for a period of time to get high-quality treatment in Deerfield gives the person the space and time they need to focus on their recovery. The initial period of addiction recovery is challenging and requires serious focus. Often, people suffer from withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings to use–all before they’ve learned the strategies needed to effectively cope with their triggers and develop plans for keeping relapse at bay.
Leaving home for a destination rehab is not running away; it’s running toward help and the best plan for getting well. After a period of time, individuals will be ready to return home if they choose, having developed the coping skills needed to manage their triggers and keep their recovery journey on track. Too often, a person’s current home includes people that enable alcohol or drug abuse. It’s important to separate yourself from these triggers in order to achieve your recovery goals.
The Deerfield Location
Why is South Florida the rehab capital of the world? The region has passed legislation to eliminate unscrupulous providers, leaving behind treatment facilities that adhere to best practices. That’s important because the medical community is clear about what constitutes evidence-based addiction treatment. Addiction is a chronic disease and requires treatment that works. Deerfield is home to world-class addiction rehab centers like FHE Health that have a proven track record of treatment success.
By visiting Deerfield Beach, you can take advantage of the area’s reputation for excellence in addiction medicine. While leaving behind the triggers that compelled you to use drugs or alcohol, you can spend time in a beautiful location where you can focus exclusively on your recovery goals. It’s important to learn how to manage triggers in an environment that is temptation-free. At FHE Health, individuals can enjoy treatment in a safe setting complemented by a supportive and knowledgeable community.
The FHE experience in Deerfield Beach sets recovering individuals up for success. While it takes time to work through personal issues associated with addiction and to learn how to manage things like cravings and negative emotions, FHE clients who enroll for treatment in Deerfield Beach can enjoy that time as they transition from chemically dependent to a place of independence.
Of course, Deerfield Beach is also a beautiful and sunny location where clients can spend time outdoors and focus on improving both their physical and mental health. Being in a positive setting can kickstart a recovery journey. At FHE Health, we’re happy to report that we see this all the time.
How Can FHE Health’s Deerfield Beach Alcohol Rehab Help You Overcome Addiction?
FHE Health provides you with a customized program to help you overcome the addiction. Individuals who need it can go through our detox program, which lasts a minimum of five days. You’ll undergo the detoxification process under the care of skilled professionals who can help you cope with the symptoms you’ll experience during this time.
We offer an intensive inpatient program that provides residents with full support as they learn to say no to the alcohol that’s consumed their life. Our Deerfield Beach alcohol rehab services aren’t limited to rehabilitation from alcohol dependency. We also offer treatment for underlying physical and mental health conditions.
Many people who are addicted to alcohol turned to it as a coping mechanism for dealing with other areas of their life. This means we need to work with you through any issues that might be pulling you toward consuming alcohol so you don’t have to rely on it any longer.
Why Is FHE Health the Premier Rehab Option in South Florida?
At FHE Health, we know every person needs a treatment program that works for them. Only around 10% of this nation’s 20 million people who have a substance abuse disorder receive treatment that’s effective. This is because many programs try to shoehorn participants into one program that takes a cookie-cutter approach toward treatment. FHE Health doesn’t do that. Instead, we customize our program to fit your needs.
We have some programs that we offer as starting points for you to determine where you fit in. Some of our specialized programs are tailored to first responders and women. When you come to FHE Health, we’ll work closely with you to ensure you’re in the program that offers you the best chance of success.
When you’re going through rehab with a group of people who have similar experiences and interests, you can form a bonded support unit. This will help reduce the chance of relapse in the future so you can enjoy a greater likelihood of success.
What Services Are Part of Alcohol Rehab With FHE Health?
We offer a host of programs to accommodate your needs. Our medical integration includes ketamine infusions, ongoing medical care, smoking cessation, massage therapy, weight management and various other components that we put together as part of your personalized treatment plan.
We also offer a stairstep approach to alcohol rehabilitation. Some people undergo our medical detox program and then move into the intensive inpatient program, while others jump right into the inpatient program. This program is housed on our Broward County campus, so you can enjoy the South Florida sunshine and beautiful weather as you work to get your life in order.
Once you’ve completed our Deerfield Beach alcohol rehab inpatient program, you enter our outpatient program. This offers you a bit more independence. You can complete it living on your own, staying with family members or as part of our sober living community. We work with you to ensure you choose the option that gives you the best chance of being successfully sober.
Our outpatient program continues to provide you with comprehensive care from the professionals who worked with you during our inpatient program. It also includes career guidance and similar services to help you transition into a life of supporting yourself. Throughout this phase, we’ll work with you to help you reduce stress and learn to cope with situations that might cause you problems in life.
How Can You Work With South Florida’s FHE Health?
The first step toward sobriety is making the decision to go through rehabilitation. FHE Health’s beautiful Broward County campus is an ideal setting for this process. We understand how having a program that puts your needs first can encourage you to remain sober long after you complete the intense phase of the process.
Our experienced team is ready to help you get started today. Simply call and one of our caring professionals will work with you to find the most appropriate treatment solution. We accept many insurance plans, and we also have a self-pay option for people who are ready to get help but don’t have the insurance coverage to do so. Reach out today — we’re ready to support you on your journey!