Few mental health disorders have such an impact on physical health as eating disorders, thanks to the unique link between the mental and physical manifestations of these diseases. Naturally, this association is why eating disorder treatment can be so complex and typically require residence in a clinical setting. At FHE Health, we approach eating disorders using industry-proven, evidence-based treatment plans. Below is more information about eating disorders, how they manifest and, most importantly, how effective mental health treatment can promote recovery.
How Eating Disorders Are Treated
There are many different types of eating disorders, from the ones nearly everyone has heard of — anorexia, bulimia, binge eating — to the rarer and lesser-known, like the following:
- Pica, a disorder where people eat things that are not “food” in the conventional definition
- ARFID, which is marked by what could be considered “picky eating” but on an extreme scale.
To be able to treat a disorder, it helps to understand the root causes. As time goes on, the treatment community discovers more and more eating disorders, but as we learn more about them, we’re coming to realize a common thread: eating disorders are diseases that stem from a misappropriation of basic human instinct and function. Let’s look at some of the forces involved:
Body image: Many factors in a person’s life can stimulate some kind of hyper-awareness of their physical appearance, including societal standards. A person who has received feedback their entire life that they’re too skinny or too fat may develop an eating disorder that comes from an obsession over that feedback.
Basic human need: The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), a non-profit committed to raising awareness about these focal issues, estimates that at any given time around 30 million Americans struggle with a documented eating disorder. This may be because, at the most basic, human life is a cycle of oral nutrition, and it’s easy for these “normal” behaviors to turn into something abnormal.
Other factors can include but aren’t limited to stress, trauma and family history.
Essentially, even though there are different types of eating disorders and no two people’s manifest in identical ways, several routes tend to be effective in most treatment programs, regardless of the individual disorder. There are also less effective treatments for eating disorders, which we’ll also address.
Methods of Treating Eating Disorders
These are regarded as the most common (and in some cases, clinically proven) techniques in treating eating disorders in adults and adolescents.
Eating disorders are the result of a person’s relationship with food becoming problematic, which can appear physical but is considered part of group of mental health disorders. This means that like with many other acute mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, traditional therapy and counseling has proven effective.
Types of therapies that have proven successful in treating eating disorders fall in the standard category of evidence-based psychotherapy or “talk therapy.” This allows patients to start to understand the causes of their condition, and how to get help with an eating disorder from a health professional. It’s beneficial for patients to talk through their experiences with their condition. When did it start? How did it start? What was going on in their life at the time? Is there anything leading up to the start that could be part of the cause?
These may seem like standard questions, but most eating disorders are defined by the shame they provoke. Many people suffering from this group of conditions do it in silence or even hide it from their friends, family and coworkers. Helping those with eating disorders better understand how control — and often feeling out of control — can play a role in the behaviors and teaching them alternative thought patterns and coping strategies can be very valuable.