After leaving an FHE’s Florida alcohol detox and treatment center it’s important to share your addiction recovery story. One of the key tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 step recovery programs patterned after it is the importance of sharing one’s story. There is tremendous power in gathering together to hear ... Read More
Life in Recovery
After treatment, many of the guards that were in place are gone and you may find the old factors contributing to your mental state or substance use creeping back. Along with our clinical services and alumni program, we’re dedicated to equipping our patients with the tools to maintain long-term health. In this section, we provide further tips and advice on living your best life in your best health.
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Gamify Your Recovery
Recovery is no game, but that doesn't mean we can't use the elements of games to help us in our recoveries. What is Gamification? Gamification is the process of using elements traditionally associated with games in other areas of life. We see this all the time. Google Maps, for example uses gamification to encourage ... Read More
Pets and Addiction Recovery
While this is probably no surprise to those of us who love animals, pets are incredibly helpful to people in recovery. It turns out that interacting with pets has been shown to release serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These are the same chemicals that are often released by drugs such as heroin and cocaine. Pets can ... Read More
Working Sober
A huge part of recovery is developing tools to avoid relapse. After we detox, the challenges of clean living begin. There are so many triggers in our lives, and if we don't explore them and become aware of them, we might relapse into our prior negative coping methods. Hard Work Work, is one of the biggest stress ... Read More
Dating While Sober
In America, alcohol plays an enormous part in dating. People often meet in bars, and many relationships start with a drink in the hand. Even people who meet online, often choose a bar for their first face-to-face. There are many reasons why this happens, but being sober can change the tune in a way that people aren't ... Read More
Never Underestimate Your Opponent
“There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent.” Sun Tzu, Chinese Military Strategist On your road to recovery there will be both ups and downs that will make you question your way. The downs can be very low. You could feel hopeless. You might feel like you haven’t moved forward one inch. ... Read More
How Pets Can Make Suffering with Drug or Alcohol Addiction a Little Easier
Who doesn’t love a good dog talking to the camera video, or two kitties booping each others noses over and over again? Who doesn’t like animals? Do you subscribe to a social media stream for cute kitty videos and puppy pics? Do you insist on asking to pet every single dog you see on the street? Well, it turns out ... Read More
Importance of Accountability Partners
Everyone has tried to create an exercise plan for themselves. Some people succeed on the first try, but most people out there fail time and time again. They go to bed meaning to wake up the next morning and instead 5am comes and their hand slaps for the snooze button on their phone. Or they justify it. They’ll go to ... Read More