Now that you’re back from intensive inpatient treatment at one of our alcohol detox and treatment centers you’re on the road to building the infrastructure of your new sober life. Something most twelve step programs encourage you to do is learn from those who came before you. That’s why when you get involved with AA ... Read More
Life in Recovery
After treatment, many of the guards that were in place are gone and you may find the old factors contributing to your mental state or substance use creeping back. Along with our clinical services and alumni program, we’re dedicated to equipping our patients with the tools to maintain long-term health. In this section, we provide further tips and advice on living your best life in your best health.
Habits of a Successful Sober Life
Know and Understand Your Triggers
Every addict knows that being sober is a choice you make, at the beginning of addiction recovery, every moment. As time progresses, that conscious decision will become less and less conscious. You’ll slowly get used to saying yes, and it won’t be such a tug of war within your brain. One of the ways that kind of ... Read More
Knowing Yourself can Be Your Best Defense
When you’re coming back from medically supervised alcohol detox and a drug recovery rehab center, You have to remember that the work isn’t over. Detox opens up the space for you to get clean, Rehab starts you down the path toward sobriety. But you have to keep in mind, it is a path that you’ll need to chose to walk for ... Read More
Importance of Accountability Partners
Everyone has tried to create an exercise plan for themselves. Some people succeed on the first try, but most people out there fail time and time again. They go to bed meaning to wake up the next morning and instead 5am comes and their hand slaps for the snooze button on their phone. Or they justify it. They’ll go to ... Read More
Mindfulness Meditation – A Body Scan
There are a lot of ways to live a healthy, sober life, apart from alcohol and drug addiction, but all of them include knowing a healthy way to calm down, control cravings, healthy ways to manage triggers, and find a few peaceful moments to yourself each day. A great way to make this happen is through mindfulness ... Read More
Ways To Use Your Cell Phone as a Tool for Sober Living
These days there are countless tools and shortcuts out there that can help you maintain and support a structured, happy, sober life. An especially useful tool are smart phones. They are as ubiquitous these days as rotary phones were, hanging on kitchen walls against yellowing wallpaper forty years ago. Cell phones are ... Read More
The Importance of Getting Enough Sleep in Your Sober Life
We know that it is pretty common for someone who has insomnia to also suffer from anxiety and depression. We also know that sleep deprivation is literally a form of torture used to break down will power and mental stamina. It then clearly follows that in order to continue recovering after your drug detox and alcohol ... Read More
The Way Music Can Shape Healing
If you’re like me you listen to music to guide you through hard moments—to celebrate to, dance out your hurt to or to dance deeply into your passion. Music is like another sense. I think about music like I think about the way my olfactory functions link to memory. It can bring me back to a moment in my life just as ... Read More