The psychological community has long understood a strong link between what happens to us as children and the way mental health disorders manifest later in life. Is this true of addiction as well? Addiction is a physical and mental disease, and while it can happen to anyone, some people seem to be more prone to drug ... Read More
Help for You
Mental health and substance abuse issues are not rare, yet there is a stigma in admitting you need help. Seeking treating can be the turning point you need to live a better life. These articles explore the struggles addicts and those suffering from mental health conditions likely face or will be facing as you seek a better life. Here you’ll also find guidance as you find treatment, navigate early recovery and begin your new life.
The Revealing Link Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Addiction
Self-Detox and Other Excuses for Not Getting Help
“I don’t have an addiction.” It's something people say to family and friends all of the time. Then they ask themselves, "Am I an addict?" Secretly, you may question whether you do, in fact, have an addiction. If you're asking these questions, you may be lying to yourself. Many men and women find it difficult to ... Read More
How to Find Good Trauma Therapy for PTSD
Living with trauma can be deeply challenging. Much like having a dark cloud overhead all the time, virtually any situation has the ability to trigger symptoms of panic, worry and anxiety. In some cases, those affected will start to avoid places and people that are reminiscent of trauma, experience flashbacks and turn ... Read More
The Quest for Perfect Abs: How to Know if It’s Exercise Addiction
Many men and women want to look fit, but an unhealthy obsession with fitness can be an exercise addiction. Those who exhibit this condition spend a significant amount of time focused on body image, exercise methods, and overall physical fitness. This is a type of mental health disorder much like an eating disorder or ... Read More
Up In Smoke: Knowing When Weed Has Taken Over Your Life
In the last few years, there's been a monumental shift in laws, attitudes and social acceptance of marijuana use across the country. Despite the fact that cannabis remains classified as a Schedule 1 substance under the Controlled Substances Act, medical marijuana is now legal in close to three dozen states and ... Read More
Free to Feel Good: Quality of Life & The Transition to Sobriety
Sobriety can be scary, for many reasons. First, because rehab and recovery is not a simple or easy road, though it is a journey that's possible for anyone willing to reach out for help and do the work. Second, recovery may seem like an unknown for individuals who have lived a life with drugs or alcohol for some time. ... Read More
The Challenges of D.I.Y. Recovery: How to Beat the Roadblocks of Quitting Alone
An important thing to realize about addiction is that it isn't an acute condition. In other words, it's not something that you're diagnosed with and treat with a short run of medications before being fully recovered. Addiction is a lifelong disease and has to be treated as such. This means that treatment and care ... Read More
I Came Up Positive on a Drug Test: What Now?
Drug screening is a large part of employment in many communities. In states where it's allowed, employers see passing a drug test as a way to minimize liability risks. Having an employee on the clock who’s under the influence puts everyone else at risk. If you’ve failed a random drug test at work, you may need to make ... Read More