Americans have been demanding improvements in mental health and addiction treatment access and insurance coverage for some time. While there's no doubt that there has been progress, especially since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its insurance coverage mandates regarding mental health and substance ... Read More
Search Results for: opioid
Robot Pet Therapy a Growing Trend: Does It Work?
Often used for surgical assistance, robots are making their way into medical clinics, too. Though it may be tempting to envision these devices as merely structures of wire and steel, think again: In some clinical settings, robots are covered in fur and even bark. If you're familiar with the film The Stepford Wives, ... Read More
Teen Addiction Rehab Guide for Parents
The adolescent years are a time of self-discovery, exploring boundaries and personal limitations, and establishing a sense of identity. Unfortunately, for some children, experimenting with drugs or alcohol is part of that journey. Depending on the substance an adolescent uses, drug or alcohol abuse can lead to ... Read More
Drug Profile: Roxicodone
The proliferation of narcotic medications in the United States has created an epidemic of dependency. Whether prescribed or obtained illegally, these medications can have severe side effects and may lead to overdose. This guide covers everything you need to know about Roxicodone, including how it’s used, its potential ... Read More
Drug Profile: Xylazine
Medications that were never meant for human use are becoming more common components of street drugs. These types of drugs are more difficult for law enforcement to control and easier for people to obtain because they don’t need a prescription. Xylazine is rapidly increasing in popularity, and this guide reviews what ... Read More
How Drug Use Can Cause Schizophrenia
Addiction comes at a high cost to both individuals and families all over the world, especially in recent years with the opioid crisis and an increase in fentanyl-related deaths. However, drug use can have another frightening consequence: the emergence of schizophrenia. Increasing evidence points to a link between ... Read More
Religious Stigmas of Drug Use, from an Interfaith Perspective
In many faiths, a lot of emphasis is placed on cultivating self-control, denying base impulses, and leading a disciplined life. In environments in which drug or alcohol use is seen as an indulgence, it can be very difficult for individuals to get the help they need with addiction. Addictions in religious environments ... Read More
How Common Are Drugs at Festivals?
A significant aspect of the decision to use drugs revolves around a person's environment. In many ways, a group setting where the majority of people are participating in substance abuse as a means of recreation makes it more likely the individual will also make the decision to engage. For people who struggle with ... Read More