Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that is characterized by auditory and visual hallucinations as well as distortions in thinking, language, and behavior. It's not uncommon for individuals with this condition to exhibit disorganized behavior or to hold fast to false beliefs even in the face of clear evidence to ... Read More
Search Results for: bipolar
Alumni Outlook: The Importance of Counseling and Recovery
I remember the first time I was introduced to recovery and how ignorant I truly was. It was no secret that my life was unmanageable, and I was powerless over drugs and alcohol. However, I was uneducated on what the disease of alcoholism actually entailed. I assumed that alcoholics were a group of unfortunates who had ... Read More
How to Help a Spouse or Partner with Depression
Recognizing a Partner with Depression Six months ago, Michael's mother Gabby died within just three weeks of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Michael had always been close to his mother, a single parent, and the suddenness of her death devastated him. Michael's partner, Rob, understood that it would take a ... Read More
Obsessive Selfies: What a Photo Reel May Reveal About Mental Health
From carefully tweaked glamour shots to extreme selfies—those stomach-churning snapshots of individuals hanging precariously from skyscrapers or posing in front of moving trains—selfies are the lifeblood of social media, and no profile is complete without at least a few of them. And, everyone knows at least a few ... Read More
Location: Mental Health Care Facility in Deerfield Beach, Florida
FHE Health offers a caring and supportive environment for people who need help managing a wide range of behavioral health disorders. Our mental health facility in Deerfield Beach, South Florida, is accredited by the Agency for Healthcare Administration and the JOINT Commission, ensuring that everyone who walks through ... Read More
How Britney Spears Became a “Conservatee” — and What the Term Means
Britney Spears has been of the most successful pop singers in music history as a solo act. However, she's also been one of the most controversial celebrities in the music industry. Many have watched and shared their opinions on her personal struggles and Britney Spears' addiction and mental health, which is still a ... Read More
What is Behavioral Health and Mental Health? Understanding the Difference
Updated on December 21, 2022 Behavioral health and mental health are two terms often used together to mean the same thing. Yet, they are different. The concept and development of behavioral health services and treatment developed in the 1970s and 1980s but has changed significantly over the last 40 years. It's ... Read More
The Important Role of Rest in Mental Health Recovery
Rest and mental health are intimately connected. People who are trying to improve their mental health often think about things like making it to therapy sessions and trying to make progress. While those are very good intentions, you're likely forgetting one of the biggest helpers for recovery and maintenance: ... Read More