You're living your life, dealing with all that you have to, but you find that you're always at home alone. Every time you try to head out, you get anxious and nervous. Why does this happen? You wonder, "Does everyone get social anxiety?" For some people, having an addiction can be a component of developing social ... Read More
Help for You
Mental health and substance abuse issues are not rare, yet there is a stigma in admitting you need help. Seeking treating can be the turning point you need to live a better life. These articles explore the struggles addicts and those suffering from mental health conditions likely face or will be facing as you seek a better life. Here you’ll also find guidance as you find treatment, navigate early recovery and begin your new life.
Easy Techniques for Managing Social Anxiety
An Introvert’s Guide to Group Therapy
While some people thrive as the life of the party, others hate being the focus of attention. For these people, the idea of spending time in public, sharing personal stories with others or conversing with strangers is horrifying, not exciting. As such, group therapy doesn't always sound like a good idea. Whether you ... Read More
How to Go Out and Stay in Recovery
Early recovery from addiction will take some drastic life changes, and you'll likely still feel those familiar urges to go out with friends "just like old times." In recovery, we're told to be especially careful in social situations, especially those with friends who are still entrenched in your old lifestyle or in ... Read More
How Political Partisanship May Be Hurting Your Mental Health
It's no secret that the United States is undergoing a period of particularly high political partisanship, but what are the broader implications of this period on society? Is it healthy to be as combative about seemingly every topic that arises as we are today? What roles are social media and the age of real-time ... Read More
How Drug Use Impacts Your Family: An Intimate Look at the Fallout of Addiction
People who take drugs often tell themselves their addiction doesn’t affect anyone other than themselves. Consumed by alcohol or drug abuse, the user typically doesn’t see how their behavior has far-reaching impacts. According to the Chicago Tribune, drug use by family members not only affects the abuser and their ... Read More
How to Make the Most of Group Therapy: Topics That Get Addressed
In a group setting, you come together with others who understand your problems and know what you are experiencing. You can benefit most from group therapy and feel comfortable getting the help you need if you put time and effort into the process. The Advantages of Group Therapy Group therapy is a popular source of ... Read More
Alcohol Abstinence Challenge: What Happens When You Go Cold Turkey
The Alcohol Abstinence Challenge seems to be a straightforward, honest way to test yourself. All you have to do is go one week without drinking alcohol of any type. It seems easy enough, but what this challenge proves is that abstaining from alcohol is not possible for an alcoholic. Doing so can even be dangerous ... Read More
Not Sure if You Have ADHD? This Quiz Can Help
ADD is a common condition in modern culture, to the point that it has become a catch-all for anyone who has trouble focusing or is disorganized and flighty. It's not uncommon to hear someone say something like, "Sorry, it's like I have ADD," when they're not listening, or they may make a joke about having ADD after ... Read More