Growing up with drug-addicted parents is never ideal, but it's a reality faced by millions of families in the United States. Over 21 million Americans live with a substance use disorder, indicating a significant issue that affects far more than one's personal well-being. Addiction can impact life in many ways, from ... Read More
Help For Loved Ones
When your loved one begins exhibiting signs of substance abuse or increasing mental health issues it can leave you feeling helpless and desperate. These feelings are not uncommon and we’ve seen them all as we’ve treated thousands of patients and their families. The articles found here focus on tips and advice on supporting a loved one who is struggling with a disorder or has begun treatment and needs support.
Growing Up with an Addicted Parent
What to Say to Someone Facing Addiction
As common as addictions are, they're still not a topic that many people are comfortable openly discussing. When an individual's friend comes to them to talk about a spouse or child who's living with a substance use disorder, it's hard to know what to say. It can feel like there's a delicate balance between being ... Read More
How to Repair Relationships Broken by Addiction
When you have a close friend or family member fighting addiction, it can feel like they're fighting you and their other loved ones at the same time. Addiction changes the way people act, controlling their minds and often motivating them to do anything necessary to continue using. This is why rebuilding relationships in ... Read More
How to Deal with Addiction in the Family
If you are a parent or family member of someone who has experimented with drugs or is in recovery, learning to spot signs of addiction in individuals is essential. Spotting these signs, however, tends to be hard to do even if you know your loved one well. First, realize that drug use is not uncommon and that your loved ... Read More
How to Help Someone With Depression Who Doesn’t Want It?
Maybe you've noticed that a friend or loved one doesn't hang out as much as they used to or they always have an excuse for why they can't join in on social outings. Or maybe you've seen a decline in caring about personal appearance or the cleanliness of their home. While everyone has busy stages of life where you skip ... Read More
Living with Someone Who Has Bipolar Disorder – What to Know
Nearly six million Americans have bipolar disorder (BPD), and more than half of them are not receiving treatment for this serious mental illness. Many people with BPD are misdiagnosed with major depression, schizophrenia, or borderline personality disorder because signs of BPD While in a manic phase, people with BPD ... Read More
Help for Addiction: How to Talk to Your Kids
At a certain point in everyone’s journey to recovery, we must face the wreckage of our actions and right the wrongs to the best of our abilities. If you have children, this includes acknowledging how our actions have affected them and do our best to help them understand what’s been going on and how you intend on making ... Read More
Staging an Intervention for a Colleague
When addiction and/or mental health issues creep into the workplace and affect other employees, an intervention may be necessary. Maybe it’s for the bipolar coworker whose dramatic mood shifts make the smallest interactions seem like a “Floor Is Lava” obstacle course. Or, maybe it’s for the alcoholic coworker who, like ... Read More