As the COVID-19 pandemic continues in the U.S. and worldwide, researchers are learning more about how the virus harms the body and who is more at risk of contracting it and dying from it. For example, recent reports of COVID-19 patients experiencing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) have physicians worried ... Read More
Search Results for: opioid
3 Truths About Imodium Misuse That Are Hard to Stomach
Imodium is a drug that's not well understood, despite being commonly used to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, and a whole host of other conditions that affect the digestive tract and cause diarrhea. People have come up with ways to use Imodium other than as directed by the drug ... Read More
How Long Does It Take to Become Addicted to Weed?
According to a study published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in 2018, an estimated 43.5 million Americans aged 12 and over, or about 16 percent of the population, used marijuana in the year prior. While most people can stop using weed relatively easily, this isn't the case for ... Read More
3 Substitute Addictions That Anyone in Recovery Needs to Know About
There's a phenomenon that occurs often in the process of addiction recovery. A person, in their efforts to get sober, finds that another behavior makes it easier to resist the substance or behavior they were previously addicted to. As their addiction wanes, the new behavior becomes more of a necessary part of their ... Read More
Do People Go to Drug Rehab for Weed?
Illicit drug use is on the rise across the nation. According to the CDC, nearly one in 10 Americans aged 12 and over used an illicit drug within a month prior to a survey that was conducted in 2013, a 13% increase over the number reported in a 2002 survey. Marijuana use accounts for a large portion of reported drug ... Read More
The Role of Fathers in Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Unavailability
During treatment for opiate addiction, Megan talked a lot with her counselor about her family of origin, childhood, and, in particular, her father's aloofness. As a child, Megan always blamed herself for her inability to "connect" with her father Sam. Megan's mother lavished affection and attention on her but Sam ... Read More
Why Now? A Personal Relapse Account
If your loved one suffers from the disease of addiction or you personally find yourself battling this baffling disorder, then it is likely that you are familiar with the ever so stigmatized conversation of relapse. Addiction is described as a “chronic relapsing disease of the brain.” There is a relevant tone to this ... Read More
Mental Health After COVID-19 – An Expert Interview with Dr. Beau Nelson
The number of lives lost to COVID-19 continues to rise, having now surpassed 100,000. Meanwhile, as an increasing number of states ease lockdown restrictions, the worst of the pandemic seems to be over. But is it? If the overall impact of a pandemic is measured not just in terms of lives lost to the disease itself, but ... Read More