What is a designer drug? You may have heard the phrase but aren't sure what it means. The term describes synthetic versions of controlled substances that imitate the pharmacological effects of the original drug. Designer drugs may be created for several reasons, including: As a cheaper alternative For more ... Read More
Search Results for: opioid
What Is Precipitated Withdrawal? Tips for Taking Suboxone®
Opioid withdrawal isn't an easy process — in fact, it can be so severe that merely hearing rehab veterans talk about it can make some users avoid treatment altogether. This is why drugs like Suboxone® — the brand-name medication that combines the active ingredients buprenorphine and naloxone — are so popular. These ... Read More
The New Relationship Science of Chemical Romance
Mike and Amy had been together for several years, and while both had used MDMA and marijuana recreationally at one point in their lives, they had abstained from drugs as life's responsibilities became more pressing. When both transitioned to working from home, tensions grew, and maintaining a healthy, satisfying ... Read More
How Neuro Rehabilitation Can Help Chronic Pain
Nearly everyone experiences occasional pain. When someone strains a muscle, stubs a toe or cuts their finger, pain is the body's way of letting them know something is wrong. In most cases, once the injury heals, the pain is gone. Chronic pain, on the other hand, lasts much longer. In some cases, the individual ... Read More
The Eye-Opening Link Between Depression and Overeating
If you have ever found yourself feeling depressed and eating certain foods that temporarily improve your mood, you are not alone. Of course, there is nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in a package of your favorite cookies or bag of chips because you had a bad week. But overeating more than occasionally may be a ... Read More
What to Know When Someone Demands Your Prescription Drugs
Being in a relationship with someone who's abusing a substance can be challenging and confusing. On the one hand, most individuals want to see their loved ones live a life without addiction. On the other, it's difficult to watch someone go through the stress and discomfort of withdrawal. As a result, many feel that ... Read More
Huffing and the Risks of Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
We may not think about it on a daily basis, but most of us live in homes that contain deadly substances. Paint, paint thinners, aerosol sprays, and even nail polish remover can cause serious mental and physical damage--even death--when inhaled. The chemicals found in common household products are dangerous, which is ... Read More
Is Alcohol a Gateway Drug?
Alcohol abuse has caused a lot of turmoil and chaos in the lives that it has overtaken. Alcoholism does not happen overnight and as time passes the abuse of alcohol becomes worse. Before you know it, your life can spiral out of control in all areas. Luckily, alcohol addiction treatment will provide the therapy and ... Read More