Sometimes it takes a life-threatening event to convince a person that it's time to make a serious life change. When an individual's own actions threaten their very existence, it can jar their sense of complacency and motivate them to do something about it. That's frequently what drives many people to finally seek help ... Read More
Search Results for: opioid
Drug Profile: Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) Addiction, Side Effects & Treatment
Dilaudid Information Dilaudid is a derivative of morphine that has been clinically available since the 1920s. It was manufactured in Germany when the country was seeking pain medications that had fewer side effects and health risks. Its potency is two to eight times greater than morphine but has a shorter effect ... Read More
What Drove Kurt Cobain’s Long Struggle With Heroin?
Kurt Cobain (1967-1994), who died by suicide at the age of 27, exerted a lasting influence on music and culture. As the lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter for the band Nirvana, he introduced Gen Xers and Millennials to a new form of music. “Grunge,” as it came to be called, has inspired rock and alternative bands ... Read More
Anosognosia: Denial and Mental Illness
People who seem unaware that they're suffering a disabling medical condition may have anosognosia, a severe form of denial that can be physiological or psychological in nature. Originally, this term usually referred to someone who, because of damage to the parietal lobe of their brain, couldn't process that they were ... Read More
The Real Dangers of Fentanyl Exposure for First Responders
“Broward County is expecting to lose nearly 1,000 people in 2022 to opioid-related overdoses, based on the most current available data. This is a substantial increase from last year. Heroin-related deaths are on the decline, but fentanyl deaths are on the rise. Nationwide we are forecasting about 120,000 overdose ... Read More
The Dangerous Effects of Drug Abuse on the Heart
How Drug Abuse Damages the Heart Can drug abuse damage the heart? The answer to that is yes, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The type of impact ranges widely, from creating abnormal heart rates to putting you at risk for a heart attack. Injections themselves pose risks as they damage the veins and ... Read More
How Sobriety Headlined Super Bowl Halftime
The 2022 Super Bowl provided a spectacular halftime show. Millions of Americans and people around the globe watched as the NFL featured several of the top stars in hip-hop music. However, this was more than a celebration of the music loved by many. The country's recovery community applauded the hard-earned sobriety of ... Read More
What New Drug Is 20 Times Stronger Than Fentanyl?
The United States is still going through an opioid epidemic that's seen many transformations. What started as an opioid prescription drug issue transitioned to increased use of substances like heroin and synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Now, there's a new drug on the streets that's taking over. According to the ... Read More