The dire statistics may be surprising for a state that conjures up images of diverse cities, bucolic farms, lacrosse, eating crabs and the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. But alongside these more wholesome activities, Maryland has a drug epidemic that is eating it alive, much like the way those crabs scavenge at the bottom ... Read More
Search Results for: cocaine
One Scary Aspect of Withdrawal That You Need to Be Prepared For: The Emotional Dimensions of Detox
When you're in detox, you might expect some physical symptoms of withdrawal, but the emotional symptoms might catch you unaware. The psychological effects of withdrawal can make detox more difficult and can even make you avoid or procrastinate entering a treatment program. According to the National Institutes of ... Read More
Challenge and Progress: Connecticut & The Opioid Crisis
As the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports, few regions of the United States have been hit by the opioid crisis as hard as New England, with Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts all experiencing annual overdose counts that are breaking records. Another New England State, Connecticut is making news ... Read More
What to Do if Your Pet Ate Drugs
Owning a pet can be a wonderful addition to your life, providing a companion and a friend that offers support in a way human relationships often can't match. Pets have a lot to offer, with clinically proven benefits like increased fitness, lower stress levels and brighter moods. Despite the bond you have with your ... Read More
Truth, Fiction and Real Solutions on Arizona’s Southern Border
Will a wall alone, separating the U.S. from Mexico really stop the flow of drugs into the country? While proponents of President Trump's wall say yes, law enforcement and drug smuggling authorities say no. News reports of drug smugglers using tunnels under existing Mexico-U.S. barriers are common and not surprising ... Read More
Tricks of the Trade: How Casinos Enable Gambling Addiction… And How to Stop – With Gambling Specialist Sue Naversen
Gambling can become an addiction just as substances such as cocaine or heroin can, says Susan Naversen, MS, AP-DOM and compulsive gambling specialist at FHE Health. "Gambling addiction is the first non-substance to be included as an addiction in the DSM-5," says Naversen. That's the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and ... Read More
At Sixes and Sevens: The Overlap of Alcoholism & Gambling
One of the issues that makes addiction more complex than some other chronic diseases is the potential for addiction to more than one substance or behavior at one time or for two addictions to play off of each other in dangerous ways. Such connections are common with addictions to gambling and alcohol. These ... Read More
Caffeine: A Drug Profile
The majority of us have coffee every day, so it can be easy to forget that the caffeine it contains has some potentially harmful side effects. Keep reading to understand why caffeine is a drug you should think twice about abusing. Do you reach for a cup of coffee once a day, or do you drink it all day long? ... Read More