If you've ever had a migraine, you know firsthand how debilitating it can be. Be they chronic or episodic, migraines can leave you out of commission for days at a time. Unfortunately, the cause of this condition can be hard to pin down, making attempts at prevention a challenge. Recent research has illuminated a ... Read More
Search Results for: bipolar
Most Common Meds for Treating PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that comes from experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, causing intense flashbacks, anxiety and depression. Without proper treatment, PTSD can negatively affect your day-to-day life, making it difficult to go to work or school and maintain ... Read More
Can You Get PTSD from Witnessing a Terrible Event?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that many people misunderstand, largely thanks to some persisting myths and misinformation. Traumatic events leave people feeling sad, anxious, frightened, or even guilty. When these feelings persist for long periods, it could be PTSD. While most individuals ... Read More
5 Tips for Living with Someone with Depression
All relationships require a lot of work because they demand time, communication, honesty, loyalty, understanding and compromise. Living or being with someone who's depressed can be even more challenging, as they may not understand why they're feeling down. It takes adjustments on your part to provide support while ... Read More
Is it Possible to be Addicted to Scratch Off Tickets?
Updated July 18, 2023 Do you find yourself pinning your hopes and dreams on the lottery? Perhaps you visit the gas station every couple of days, unable to resist the thought that maybe this time you’ll win something big and improve your life. You may wonder, “I am addicted to scratch-offs. How can that ... Read More
Empowering Mental Health Stories: Minority Voices Inspiring Community Healing
Battling mental illness can be lonely, especially if you keep your struggles to yourself. That's why when well-known figures from minority backgrounds are willing to open up about their mental health difficulties, it can have a positive ripple effect and promote real community healing. Read on for mental health stories ... Read More
How Society’s Male Gender Expectations Are Tough on Men’s Mental Health
In 2019, a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed that women are almost twice as likely to seek therapy as men. While 24.7% of women sought help, only 13.4% of men attended counseling. Around 20% of women took medication compared to only 10.7% of men. It seems like masculinity and mental ... Read More
Prescriptions for Depression: What Medications Help?
Depression is a common mental health disorder. Approximately 17.3 million American adults are affected, and around 20% are being treated for the condition with medications from different antidepressant classes. It's a common misconception that depression is simply a feeling of sadness. While sadness is typically a ... Read More