Addiction is a complex illness that most often requires professional treatment. Uncomfortable or dangerous withdrawal symptoms, environments with triggers or reminders of substance use, and friends and family in active addiction are just a few of the factors that make it difficult to maintain sobriety. By choosing ... Read More
Treatment Legislation
From ballot initiatives to congreessional hearings, behavioral health and addiction are often interacting with the government. We cover the biggest legislative news around the nation and how it is impacting or may impact behavioral health. As an industry leader in treatment, our experts understand how new laws and regulations will affect both clients and treatment.
5 Key Benefits of Residential Treatment for Addiction
Why is the FDA Moving to Ban Flavored Cigarettes and E-cigs?
If you are over 35, you probably don't know much about electronic cigarettes, or "e-cigs". Millennials call smoking e-cigs and e-hookahs "vaping", a term describing the way an e-cig heats flavored liquids containing nicotine to generate vapor that is then inhaled. Nicotine used to make e-cig liquids is extracted ... Read More
Medicaid Changes May Allow Mental Health Care
It's difficult to quantify exactly how much the prevalence of mental health disorders has grown in the last 50 or more years. Mental health issues have long been misunderstood, leading to underdiagnosis, and as a result, the lack of many trustworthy records being kept. Nonetheless, however, research has concluded ... Read More
America Voted for Marijuana in 2018
The 2018 midterms were a massively impactful election on the side of electing Senators and House Representatives so it's understandable that a few of the results will fly under the radar, but there was one trend that was potentially massive. For another consecutive election, there were a handful of measures appearing ... Read More
FDA Approves Controversial New Opioid Dsuvia
It's not news that there is currently a crisis in the United States relating to use and abuse of opioid medications, prescribed for pain at a rate that has climbed rapidly between the turn of the century and the present. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 46 people died per day from ... Read More
Trump Signs H.R. 6 – SUPPORT bill
In October 2018, President Trump signed a key bipartisan bill that activates several crucial measures aimed at treating addiction, especially addiction to opioid medications. The bill works with Medicaid and Medicare insurers to standardize triage and treatment for those suffering from addiction, and giving the ... Read More
Addiction on the Ballot
Addiction has become a hot-button topic during the 2018 election cycle, and there's a number of initiatives on the table that could have a big impact on our recovery community. Here at FHE Health, we've taken a hard look at some of the most prominent addiction-related initiatives across the country. We've examined ... Read More
Florida Amendment 4 and Addiction Treatment – What You Need To Know
Update: On November 6th, Florida voted and 64.5% voted YES on Amendment 4. This surpassed the required 60% threshold and will become and constitutional amendment. There are 13 amendments on the November 6, 2018, Florida ballot. That means voters will be asked to make a number of important choices about both their ... Read More