Anyone who's experienced a hard night of drinking can attest to the unpleasant effects that occur the next day. Headaches, dry mouth, nausea and dizziness are just a few of the most common hangover symptoms. However, some people also wake up with hangxiety: feelings of anxiety and nervousness that make it difficult to ... Read More
Featured Alcohol
Drinking and Hangover-Induced Anxiety
Why Are Women Less Likely to Seek Help for Alcoholism?
Alcohol use is common among adults in the United States, and around a quarter of adults say they have engaged in an activity such as binge-drinking within the past month. According to statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 5% of individuals age 12 or older in the ... Read More
The Dangers of Mixing Antidepressants and Alcohol
Updated 10/16/2024 Most people are unfamiliar with the side effects of drinking while taking antidepressants. Many misguidedly believe that the depressant effects of alcohol simply counteract the antidepressant effects of SSRIs, SNRIs, and MAOIs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Understanding why the ... Read More
Bedwetting When Drunk: Causes and Solutions
Bedwetting sounds like something that only happens to small children, a trend that's largely over by the time potty training is complete. However, there's another subset of the population that may, from time to time, wet the bed: highly intoxicated adults. After you engage in a night of blackout drinking, it's ... Read More
Why Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington Went to Alcohol Rehab
Who Is Kit Harington? Kit Harington, whose full name is Christopher Catesby Harington, is an English actor best known for his acclaimed role as Jon Snow on the world-renowned series, Game of Thrones. The series, based on the books by George R.R. Martin, ran for eight seasons from 2011 to 2019, and Harington, like his ... Read More
The Signs of a High-Functioning Alcoholic
Do you have a functioning alcoholic in your life? It’s typical to believe an alcoholic is a person who stumbles around, barely gets through the day and can’t hold down a steady job. However, a high-functioning alcoholic can do all of this and much more. If you believe your loved one is relying on alcohol for any need, ... Read More
How Alcohol Impacts Diabetes
Despite its prevalence in this country—one in 10 Americans have the condition—diabetes remains poorly understood. Even less awareness surrounds the relationship between diabetes and alcohol. This article will take a closer look at how alcohol impacts diabetes and provide an overview of what those affected need to ... Read More
What Is a “Gray Area” Drinker?
If you're not happy with your drinking habits but don't show the normal signs of an alcohol problem, you may be a gray area drinker. This guide reviews gray area drinking and offers advice if you're not sure when it's time to seek help for your drinking problem. What Is Gray Area Drinking? Society groups adults who ... Read More