Ryan, 42, a husband, father of two, veteran, and police officer in Indianapolis, will never forget his darkest moment in the clutches of alcoholism—even if he wanted to. “It’s on video,” he said in a recent interview. Any time he is tempted to forget what life was like in active addiction, he can watch the footage that ... Read More
At FHE we are very proud and supportive of our Alumni community. They are the proof of our clinical program and when they come to us with a desire to share their story of hope, we love to recognize them. We regularly reach out to alumni and ask them to share their perspective on: what they wish they knew before rehab, their treatment experience, and their thoughts on life in recovery. There is power in relatable experiences, and through their stories we hope you will identifiy with their messages.
No More Shame Story: Ryan L.
How FHE Health’s Alumni Team Helps Struggling Alumni
The transition from inpatient treatment to life after rehab is rarely easy. That’s because successfully maintaining long-term recovery is often harder when job, family, and other life stressors re-enter the picture. Research has also shown that it’s not uncommon to struggle during this post-treatment phase of recovery: ... Read More
Managing Mental Health and Chronic Illness
If I were to describe my physical and mental health over the last few years, I would describe it as a game of Whack-A-Mole. In case you don't know what game I'm referring to, it's a game where stuffed moles pop out of a hole, you whack the hole with a mallet, and then another mole pops up. The goal is to hit as many as ... Read More
How CBT Can Help You Navigate Depression
A previous therapist of mine had a quote on her wall. It said, “Change your thoughts, and you change your world.” I will be the first to admit that I had no idea what that meant as a teenager. Now I know that it is a nod to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But what exactly does it mean, and how can it be used to help ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: 6 Tips to Bounce Back From a Tough Day
When I went to FHE, I set a goal. My goal was to be able to navigate PTSD and mental illness. I knew then and I especially know now that tough days happen. Sometimes the tough stuff is just everyday life and stress; ask anybody’s budget lately. Other times it is whole new traumas that you never thought would happen in ... Read More
The Pitfalls of Replacing Addiction With Another Addiction
Good ole cross-addiction, the act of laying down one addiction and picking up another. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, toxic relationships, shopping, and even eating all stimulate the brain's "pleasure center." For most of us in recovery, we can all recall a time when we convinced ourselves we needed to take a break ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: 4 Ways for Men to Overcome Social Anxiety
The complicated thing about anxiety is that it’s not something we wear on our sleeves. I can only speak for myself, but when anxiety kicks into my life, there are not too many visible signs. Of course, it can be if I am dealing with something horrible. Mostly, I get quiet and sit pretty still when the anxiety kicks ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: Using Anxiety to your Advantage (5 Tips)
Living with anxiety is an exhausting ordeal. The constant fixation on what can happen next in life is something that can isolate you from enjoying anything you have in the present. The human mind is the most powerful thing in the world; if anxiety is a real issue for you, you know how delusional your anxiety can be if ... Read More