Many people say the first year is the most important and I would have to agree. The first year of recovery is when we are most vulnerable but also where we get the opportunity to lay down the foundation for our new, sober lives. Looking back at the first year of my sobriety, I realize that hindsight really is 20/20. ... Read More
At FHE we are very proud and supportive of our Alumni community. They are the proof of our clinical program and when they come to us with a desire to share their story of hope, we love to recognize them. We regularly reach out to alumni and ask them to share their perspective on: what they wish they knew before rehab, their treatment experience, and their thoughts on life in recovery. There is power in relatable experiences, and through their stories we hope you will identifiy with their messages.
5 Tips to Help Navigate Early Recovery
To Share or Not to Share: Discussing MH conditions with Colleagues
Employment is a weekly reality for most people, but it often comes with many challenges. For individuals in recovery or those struggling with other mental health disorders, it can be challenging to be transparent at work. Most individuals spend the majority of their day at work. Therefore, it’s only natural to ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: Getting off the Drinking and Depression Rollercoaster
Most recovering alcoholics can relate to feeling depressed, hopeless, full of shame, and worthless. The vicious cycle of alcoholism and depression can be seemingly insurmountable and hopeless. I remember being told that once I became sober, I would feel better. In the beginning, that was the only thing that kept me ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: How To Mend Broken Relationships With Your Children
Addiction is a chronic disease that negatively affects the individual struggling as well as destroying every relationship in its path. One of the most heart-wrenching casualties of the battle with addiction is the trail of damaged relationships with children left in its wake. With proper treatment and professional ... Read More
“I’m Still Fun, Even Though I’m Sober”
When I was first asked to write about the topic of fun in sobriety, naturally I started scrolling through Google looking for everyone else’s “fun in sobriety” experience. My screen was flooded with “10 Ways to Have Fun in Sobriety,” “20 Fun Activities to Rediscover in Sobriety,” and many similar self-help articles. If ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: The Continued Benefits of AA Involvement and Spiritual Practices
It would be fair to say that most of us, recovering alcoholics, are typically not advocates of discipline, change, or structure - at least outside of our addiction. However, upon venturing into the realm of recovery, these practices have been my saving grace. Early on, someone told me, “You only need to change one ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: Why Spirituality is an Essential Part of Recovery
Science and Spirituality: If addiction is a disease of the brain, why is spirituality vital to recovery? I was your average child growing up: full of hope, purity, and love. As we all do, I had a fundamental yearning for a connection to a spiritual power greater than myself. Life eventually dealt me a handful of ... Read More
Alumni Outlook: Finding Balance in Recovery and Letting Go of the ‘All or Nothing’ Mentality
Balance...a word that is cringeworthy to every alcoholic - sober or still drinking. The truth is, most of us have extreme personalities, completely void of any moderation. Think of the game whack-a-mole, the second we begin addressing our addiction, an extreme character defect pops up to the surface. As addicts, we ... Read More