Are you sure back alleys and parking lots are where people score cocaine? Do men or women judge people more for relapsing back into drug use? Why do you think people take Adderall, and does everyone else agree with your assessment? You may have beliefs about what you think substance use looks like across America, ... Read More
Addiction News
We believe strongly in the use of emerging technology to treat addictions and disorders. In our addiction news section we cover breaking addiction and mental health related news. This includes national drug crime news to identify trends as well as measures being taken by local governments to affect change in their area. By recognizing success and failures across the country we believe that we can keep the community informed on the most important behavioral health news.
Thoughts on Drug Addiction
Recognizing Addiction in a Loved One by Symptoms of Drug Use
Active addicts live a life of secrecy and lies, which makes it difficult for the people who love them to recognize the signs of addiction. As difficult as it may be to identify a problem, there are things you can look for that are common signs of drug abuse. It is also a good idea to look for distinct behavioral ... Read More
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Centers Florida
Finding Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Florida Dual diagnosis treatment centers in Florida have made a big difference for thousands of individuals struggling with substance abuse or addiction as well as a mental or behavioral health disorder. In dual diagnosis treatment programs, clients are treated for both psychiatric ... Read More
New Neurotherapy Techniques: Methods for Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a disease, but its treatment is quite different from other medical conditions. Unlike many health issues, there is no cure or addiction "fix" that heals all pain brought on by addiction. Addiction is a psychological issue; a disease of the brain. If the underlying root of addiction comes from brain ... Read More
Hit Hard by Opiates, Rhode Island Nabs Drug Dealers and Pharmaceutical Companies Alike
America’s smallest state, densely populated Rhode Island has roughly one million residents, yet the state ranks fifth in the nation for drug overdoses per capita. According to the Department of Health of the State of Rhode Island, opioid overdoses are the state’s leading cause of accidental death. The state is fighting ... Read More
Medical Marijuana & Prescription Drug Plan Are Latest Answer to Louisiana’s Drug Woes
Drug smugglers have been known to take incredibly dangerous—some would say foolish—risks to meet the demand for their illicit drugs and make a profit in doing so. Smugglers have hidden drugs in the cargo holds of their planes and boats. They’ve hidden them in shipments of products like toys and pottery, attempting to ... Read More
Wisconsin Wages War on Drugs on Multiple Fronts— Including Lawsuits
It started with heroin: first in the expected places, like the more populated urban centers and cities; but then it began to seep into the smaller towns and rural areas of Wisconsin. Even while it was a reality happening on the streets, many thought, "not here in my town, not in Wisconsin." From heroin it evolved to ... Read More
Shocking New Data Reveals Devastating Fallout of West Virginia’s Opiate Epidemic
While drug arrests are down nationwide for the second consecutive year, the aftermath of the opiate epidemic in West Virginia continues to create ripple effects throughout the state. According to a report from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), there were 26,645 nationwide drug arrests in 2018, continuing a downward ... Read More