Your time in FHE Health detox and rehab centers in Florida will always be a turning point in your life. As you leave our detox and wellness center and face your life sober, don't neglect to take an important resource with you: the people you met while you were here. Everyone needs the support and reinforcement of ... Read More
Rehab Explained
Seeking treatment for mental health or substance abuse can be confusing. What is the treatment like? Why are there groups? What methods are used to treat my condition? These are all common concerns for patients seeking rehabilitation and we want to answer them in this section. Our articles are informed by our licensed mental health and substance abuse facility and help you understand how a rehab facility operates and treats the patient.
Staying in Touch After Rehab
Small Changes Make a Big Difference
You go to the doctor and they write you a script for some medication. You go home and swallow a few pills. When the bottle runs out, you might refill it once, or that may just be the end of your treatment. If the medicine did it's job, you may never talk to your doctor about that particular ailment again. This is how ... Read More
Twofold Increase in Drug Deaths
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has released its preliminary death count for 50 states and Washington DC. In 2017, more than 72,000 Americans have died of drug overdoses. This is about a seven percent increase from 2017, and over the last decade drug deaths have risen twofold. They warn that these numbers are ... Read More
What to Expect from Benzo Rehab
Benzodiazepine, also called benzos, are a type of drug often prescribed for panic disorders, insomnia, seizures, alcohol withdrawal, and anxiety. Unfortunately they are often abused, and mixed with other drugs and alcohol which can be fatal. Quitting Benzos Benzos should never be quit cold turkey without medical ... Read More
Meditation Misconceptions
If you are in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, meditation is one of the most powerful tools you have to prevent a relapse. More importantly, meditation can help you learn to appreciate your new lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people have a fundamental misunderstanding about what meditation is. Exercise for Your ... Read More
What is Outpatient Alcohol Detox?
You've decided that it is time to confront your addiction and detox, there are several options available. When choosing from inpatient and outpatient detox, many factors should be considered. Type and severity of one's addiction are of course key elements. Also, one's home environment should be evaluated for ... Read More
Implants for Opioid Addiction – Solution or More of The Same Problem?
In the face of the present opioid addiction crisis there has been a scramble to find reliable therapeutic solutions to treat dependence on opioid painkillers. There has been a lot of controversy over MAT or Medication-Assisted Treatment. The theory behind MAT is to use a prescription drug to mitigate the withdrawal ... Read More
Tips for Success at Rehab
You’ve gone through medically supervised alcohol detox. You’ve learned what it means to be sober for the first time in years. You’re scared but you also feel hopeful, because you really never thought you had the hope of sobriety ahead of you. You didn’t really believe you’d survive detox because your body had become so ... Read More