Whether you've faced numerous challenges the past year, experienced many successes or had what feels like an uneventful few seasons, it's normal to hope for ending on a positive note. With the hustle, bustle and potential stresses of the holiday season, it can be difficult to spend time on the end of the year ... Read More
Life in Recovery
After treatment, many of the guards that were in place are gone and you may find the old factors contributing to your mental state or substance use creeping back. Along with our clinical services and alumni program, we’re dedicated to equipping our patients with the tools to maintain long-term health. In this section, we provide further tips and advice on living your best life in your best health.
Reflection and Gratitude – Ending the Year on a Positive Note
Finding Meaning in the Season – The Power of Giving Back
The holidays are a great time to embrace the power of giving back. Whether you're dropping a few dollars in a red kettle as you leave the store or volunteering at a soup kitchen, charity is good for the soul. But that's not all — your brain may benefit too. Dive into the psychology behind donating to charity, and ... Read More
The Most Common Causes of Chronic Pain
Roughly 51 million adults in the U.S. experience some form of chronic pain, making it one of the main reasons that people seek medical care. You can develop chronic pain for many reasons, including chronic conditions like arthritis, immune disorders like lupus, past injuries, or even some other disease. It's quite ... Read More
5 Fun Ideas for a Sober New Years Eve
Updated July 18. 2023 New Year's Eve has long been known for its drug and alcohol-fueled frivolities. It's not uncommon for party-loving people to spend the last day of the calendar year sipping champagne and dancing the night away with friends or family members. In fact, New Year's Eve is among the most ... Read More
7 Strategies for Making an Athletic Comeback
Failure in sports is par for the course, but why is something so commonplace and, some might say, inevitable, so tough to deal with? Dealing with failure, whether on the court, field, or even the trail, requires a dual focus that involves both the body and mind. To bounce back successfully after a setback, the most ... Read More
What Can Meditation Do for Athletic Performance?
As an athlete, your focus is on testing your body's limits. But what about your mind? In fact, mental strength has proven to be just as valuable in sports as physical strength. This recent revelation has athletes adding brain-boosting techniques to their training routines — including meditation for performance ... Read More
How to Find Purpose When Feeling Directionless
Stuck, aimless and searching for meaning — if these words define your current state of mind, you could be missing your sense of direction. But while it may not seem like it, almost everyone goes through a phase like this in their lives. And no matter how lost you feel, finding direction in life is possible. Keep ... Read More
Plant Parenting and New Responsibilities After Rehab: A Readiness Guide
After seeking treatment for mental health disorders, the challenge isn't over. Although accepting help is the first step in recovery, what happens after you leave rehab and settle back into daily life may test your resolve and newfound coping strategies. Fortunately, there are several ways to remain focused on ... Read More