Many people know Robert Downey, Jr., for his role as Tony Stark in Iron Man, the title character in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes movies, and Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder. However, beyond his on-screen talent, his personal journey is one of remarkable struggle, resilience and transformation. His experience with ... Read More
Life in Recovery
After treatment, many of the guards that were in place are gone and you may find the old factors contributing to your mental state or substance use creeping back. Along with our clinical services and alumni program, we’re dedicated to equipping our patients with the tools to maintain long-term health. In this section, we provide further tips and advice on living your best life in your best health.
Robert Downey Jr.: Lessons in Mental Health
Just Surviving to Thriving: Personal Growth in Recovery
Living with addiction or mental health challenges can feel like being trapped in an endless cycle of just getting by. The constant struggle to maintain stability can leave little energy for dreaming about or building a better future. Early recovery often focuses on the essential skills needed to maintain sobriety and ... Read More
Overdose: Untimely Celebrity Overdoses
Everyone wants to be a celebrity. After all, they get money, attention and fans — what's not to love? But far too often, we've seen the dark side of fame. Many celebrities turn to substances to cope with the challenges of their notoriety. However, substance abuse carries the risk of addiction and overdose, and being ... Read More
A.A. Step 3: “God As You Understand Him”
Making a decision to turn life over to a higher power is the third step in the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (or Narcotics Anonymous). Specifically, the step calls for participants to "make a decision to turn their will and lives over to the care of God as they understood Him." But you don't have to be Christian or ... Read More
Overcoming Negative Self-Talk Toward a Better Life
Sticks and stones breaking bones and words not hurting is a chant of childhood that doesn't hold water when you really think about it. Words can definitely hurt — and your words to yourself can be some of the most damaging of all. Overcoming negative self-talk can help positively impact recovery, general mental health, ... Read More
Forgiving Yourself – Why it’s the Key to Long-Term Recovery
Read more on the Value of Forgiving Others Forgiveness can seem like an overwhelming undertaking for many people. The same can be true for those in addiction recovery. Substance use doesn't just affect the individual's physical and mental health, but it ripples throughout their life – severing important relationships, ... Read More
Learning to Forgive: The Benefits for Addiction Recovery
For those in recovery from substance abuse, forgiveness is often a powerful tool for healing, learning, and personal growth. Embracing forgiveness lets people unburden themselves of resentment, guilt or shame, so they can step into a healthier and more fulfilling life. Whether this involves forgiving oneself or ... Read More
How to Forgive a Parent with an Addiction
Loving an addict is difficult at any age, but being the child of a drug-addicted parent can be downright devastating. Addiction is a disease that affects the entire family, and when you're a kid in a household controlled by drugs, you're often faced with situations nobody should ever have to deal with. Maybe you missed ... Read More