The signs of a drug problem can be subtle and creep up so slowly that it may be difficult to identify whether a loved one is in trouble. Addiction experts say that a drug addiction typically begins with recreational use and then expands from there. Over time, in some people, what may appear to be a harmless behavior ... Read More
Help For Loved Ones
When your loved one begins exhibiting signs of substance abuse or increasing mental health issues it can leave you feeling helpless and desperate. These feelings are not uncommon and we’ve seen them all as we’ve treated thousands of patients and their families. The articles found here focus on tips and advice on supporting a loved one who is struggling with a disorder or has begun treatment and needs support.
Signs a Loved One May Be Hiding A Drug Problem
Addicts Can Be Manipulative: Recognize the Signs
According to statistics from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's 2018 survey on drug use and health, more than 164 million people ages 12 and older say they used some type of illegal substance in the past month. Addiction doesn't discriminate, and anyone — regardless of gender, race, ... Read More
10 Ways to Support a Spouse While They’re in Rehab
When a spouse goes to rehab for an addiction and/or mental health condition, everything changes at home. This is all so new, and the situation going forward is both anxiety-provoking and uncertain. What's involved in supporting a loved one in rehab? How does one help and not hinder a spouse in early recovery? Will the ... Read More
Choosing to Date Someone in Recovery
The power of attraction may be undeniable, yet before embarking on a dating relationship with someone in recovery, take a careful look at what you're getting into. Dating at this time may not be in either of your best interests, despite your desire to be together and weather all challenges. That said, countless ... Read More
The Family Dynamics of Addiction Mean Each Member Plays a Role: Discover Yours
You may have heard addiction described as a "family disease." What this means, in its most basic sense, is that while the addict receives much of the attention for their sickness, their family also plays a significant role in the development and continuation of the addiction. Long-term addiction recovery is therefore ... Read More
Can Drug Addicts Change?
It’s happened again. Your loved one has promised to change, not to use drugs or drink alcohol, and yet, here you are, facing their broken promise. You’ve tried time and time again to forgive, forget and have hope. Now, you're wondering, does addiction last a lifetime? Is there any real hope of not having to deal ... Read More
How (and Why) to Talk About Your Family’s Mental Health History
As we continue to learn more about mental health and the origins of many mental illnesses, family mental health history continues to become a more focal issue, and not without good reason. More information comes out every year that suggests that mental illness is passed down genetically, meaning that if a person's ... Read More
Self-Care Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health When You Love Someone with an Addiction
Every person trying to beat addiction or dealing with a substance abuse problem needs a support system. But if the support system is primarily a single individual, it can take a huge toll on that person's mental health. If you have a loved one who is going through the journey of rehab and entering into a sober ... Read More