According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a dual diagnosis, otherwise known as a co-occurring disorder or a comorbidity, is when an addict suffers from both chemical dependency on a substance, be it alcohol, prescription medications, or lllicit drugs, as well as some form of mental illness, both disorders ... Read More
Behavioral & Mental Health
Approximately 18.5% of adults in the U.S. have experienced mental illness. These disorders include depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder among others. This learning center explores the reality of mental health and the treatment needed. The stigma surrounding this issue prevents people from reaching out for quality help when a better life is possible. Our mental health licensed professionals treat patients with a variety of conditions and inform our topics found in this section.
Co-Occurring Disorders and How They Change Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery
Behavioral Therapy Takes Many Different Shapes
Behavioral Therapy comes in many forms but the goal is always to affect change in someone’s behavioral habits. Some kinds of behavioral therapies are more well-known than others. As a whole, behavioral therapies of late have garnered much attention as being a sort of bedrock for substance abuse therapy treatment. In ... Read More
Brain Hackers! Why Slot Machines are So Addictive
Go into any casino and likely at least three quarters of the floor will be rows of slot machines. Open the app store on your phone and browse to the games section - chances are there’s a slot machine apps in the top five. What is it about slot machines that drives people to keep playing them? They are often fairly ... Read More
Debunking Depression Myths
Depression is a word that gets tossed around a lot when talking about pretty minor setbacks. But being ‘depressed’ because the frozen yogurt shop is out of your favorite flavor does a pretty huge disservice to individuals who suffer from Clinical Depression. Let’s talk about some of the myths surrounding Major ... Read More
Compulsive Gambling Addiction and Mental Health
Addictions don’t happen in a vacuum. Every compulsive behavior is shaped by a confluence of social, psychological, and biological factors that intertwine, and compulsive gambling is no different. While these factors not only determine our propensity towards compulsive behaviors, our compulsive behaviors flow back to ... Read More
Extroverts Get Depressed Too
Sometimes it is hard to imagine that anyone would believe you if you told them how depressed you are. You’re the outgoing friend, the one who plans parties and potlucks. You love to meet new people and you are really involved with your community. Sometimes you even feel guilty for your depression. This kind of shame ... Read More
Debunking Common Compulsive Gambling Addiction Myths
Anyone who spent much time in casinos has seen some bizarre rituals and heard some wild theories. Some people knock on the sides of the craps tables, or stroke the screen of the video poker terminal, or refuse to have their winnings paid in fifty dollar bills. When it comes to people who suffer from compulsive ... Read More
What’s in A Name? A History of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is estimated to affect almost 5% of adults in the United States, and almost 90% of those affected have an advanced case. That said, many of those afflicted do not seek treatment because of a severe social stigma surrounding the disorder and other mental health disorders like it. Moreover, those who do ... Read More