Abusing cold medications by combining them with alcohol can be dangerous, but it doesn't always happen intentionally. Sometimes a person taking cold medicine will drink alcohol, not realizing it could lead to a negative drug interaction. Unfortunately, some people combine alcohol and cold remedies on purpose to achieve ... Read More
Search Results for: cocaine
The Runaway Popularity of the “DMT Trip” and Its Dangers
Psychedelics are inherently different than other illicit and addictive substances because of how they gain traction. While drugs like alcohol and heroin are often used to escape reality and stimulants like cocaine are used to boost the experience of a party, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and the latest addition to the ... Read More
How Celebrity Drew Barrymore Overcame Teen Substance Abuse
Best known for her role as the little girl Gertie in the Spielberg classic E.T. the Extraterrestrial, Drew Barrymore later endured a childhood and adolescence scarred by alcohol and drug abuse, depression and suicidal ideation. Today, she is a successful and sober author, actress and businesswoman who talks openly ... Read More
Johnny Cash’s Long Struggle with Drugs and Sobriety
Updated March 30, 2019 “I was taking the pills for awhile, and then the pills started taking me.” - Johnny Cash Johnny Cash is one of the most recognized names in music. He was a country singer in the middle of the 20th century, but his name is recognized across musical genres. Cash sang such songs as Ring of ... Read More
Sherlock Holmes & Drug Abuse – It’s Elementary My Dear Watson
Updated November 15, 2019 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic character Sherlock Holmes was a masterful investigator. You wouldn’t want anyone else on the case. He was a genius at putting together the puzzle pieces of a mystery to find the culprit of a crime. Holmes was nothing, however, if not a drug addict. Holmes' ... Read More
Whitney Houston’s Drug Use: The Tragic Story
What Was Reported in Whitney Houston's Toxicology Report? After the singer's death, her autopsy revealed that the cause of death was drowning and listed other contributing factors as atherosclerosis and cocaine use. The toxicology report revealed that her system contained cocaine, Xanax, Flexiril, ... Read More
Women’s Drug of Choice: Gender Differences in Substance Abuse
Women's drug of choice – do women prefer one drug type over the other? The research done has shown that women and men have different preferences when it comes to their drug of choice. Understanding gender differences in substance abuse, including differences in their drug of choice, can be a very important step in ... Read More
Demi Lovato – Stone Cold Sober
Demi Lovato has used her experience and celebrity to shine a light on mental health issues, including her struggles with addiction, an eating disorder and other mental health issues. If you do a quick Google search on Demi Lovato, you'll likely find just as many articles discussing Demi Lovato's mental health as her ... Read More