It used to be difficult, and a little dangerous, to buy drugs. Buying drugs, whether marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or any other illegal substance, often meant going to an unsavory location, finding a "connection" who was often a shady or dangerous individual, and paying cash for the "stash.' When you left, you hoped you ... Read More
Search Results for: cocaine
Can I Join the Military after Rehab?
Joining the military opens the door for exploring new areas of the world, cultivating marketable job skills, enjoying long-term job stability and benefits, and obtaining an affordable college education. Due to the high level of responsibility, the military is notoriously selective regarding who's allowed to enlist and ... Read More
Can You Reverse Alcohol Damage?
Alcohol is among the most popular abused substances in both the United States and around the world. According to the National Institute on Alcohol, Abuse and Alcoholism, over 80% of American adults have had at least one drink, while 70% have had a drink in the last year and over 50% in the last month. Unlike other ... Read More
Understanding the Common Gateway Drug Paths
There's long been a theory about "gateway drugs" and how they serve as common pathways to "hard" addictions. This article will introduce readers to these most common gateway drugs, and through anecdotal stories, talk about some of the ways people have gone on to hit their "rock bottom" with harder, more addictive ... Read More
5 Uncommon Forms of Heroin
Updated August 10, 2021 Heroin is an opioid, often used as a recreational drug due to its powerful euphoric effects. It has no accepted medical uses in the United States, although it's used as a powerful painkiller in other countries. As a street drug, heroin is rarely sold in pure form since dealers routinely mix ... Read More
How the Media Can Normalize Weed Use
Updated July 18, 2023 It seems like marijuana use is everywhere you look today. It's on television and in movies, as the focal point of discussions about legalization and legally used in more homes than ever before. And not only is it being talked about more, but it's also gained a more widespread level of ... Read More
Is There a Vaccine for Opioid Addiction?
For the past several years, not just in the wake of COVID, the news has been filled with talk of vaccines. We debate their use on social media, follow news reports about the efficacy of certain vaccines, and eagerly await updates about new vaccines to treat a wide range of health conditions. The news, now, of course, ... Read More
No More Shame Story: Tal Collins
Tal started drinking at the age of 12. At 13, she began using drugs. Cocaine was her drug of choice, but sedatives were also easy to acquire. Even SSRIs, a class of drugs often prescribed for anxiety and depression, could give her a high when she took them at higher doses. What Triggered Addiction to Drugs and ... Read More