These days, sometimes, it is hard to tell if you’re an addict or just a normal member of society. Alcohol is all around us all the time. It’s in our houses, in our churches, but even if it’s not there we find the stuff at our workplaces. It’s like the production of the television show, Mad Men opened up the space for ... Read More
Learning Center
FHE Health is dedicated to educating the American public—especially individuals, families, and communities—about mental health and substance abuse topics. In our Learning Center, you'll find articles on alcoholism, substance abuse, behavioral and mental health, and other treatment-related issues. Our articles are written both for the person in need of treatment as well as loved ones seeking more information. We also provide information for those who have gone through treatment and are building a new life in recovery.
Signs You Might be Addicted to Alcohol
What is Addiction? And Why Can’t Humans Get Around It?
The word addiction comes with so much emotional and psychological baggage that it makes it almost difficult to define, and certainly, almost impossible to understand. Addiction, like anything else in relation to humans, is nuanced, to a point. Addiction looks and feels different to each person. The First Few Uses We ... Read More
When Your Child’s Other Parent Goes to Rehab
Families are complicated and they come in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter if you are married to your child’s other parent, or if they have joint custody. No matter what the situation is, if your child’s other parent has had the courage to get the help they need and are going to go to rehab, ... Read More
Four Alcohol-Free Drinks To Order At The Bar
Even if you refuse every social invitation that will involve bars or clubs where alcohol consumption is assumed, it’s hard to avoid being out these days without someone around you consuming alcohol. If you’re at a wedding or restaurant someone is probably ordering a drink. Something that makes it hard to stick to your ... Read More
Habits of a Successful Sober Life
Now that you’re back from intensive inpatient treatment at one of our alcohol detox and treatment centers you’re on the road to building the infrastructure of your new sober life. Something most twelve step programs encourage you to do is learn from those who came before you. That’s why when you get involved with AA ... Read More
Addiction-onset Insomnia Solutions
So many people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction have a dual-diagnosis. Depression and Anxiety drive people with addiction to drugs or alcohol and and then their addiction drives them back to feeling depressed and anxious. All of this can lead to some pretty intense insomnia. You’ve been there, right? You ... Read More
Know and Understand Your Triggers
Every addict knows that being sober is a choice you make, at the beginning of addiction recovery, every moment. As time progresses, that conscious decision will become less and less conscious. You’ll slowly get used to saying yes, and it won’t be such a tug of war within your brain. One of the ways that kind of ... Read More
Knowing Yourself can Be Your Best Defense
When you’re coming back from medically supervised alcohol detox and a drug recovery rehab center, You have to remember that the work isn’t over. Detox opens up the space for you to get clean, Rehab starts you down the path toward sobriety. But you have to keep in mind, it is a path that you’ll need to chose to walk for ... Read More