Updated on September 17, 2024 Some over-the-counter drugs such as Benadryl can mimic the types of high feelings that marijuana and other drugs produce. The active drug in Benadryl is diphenhydramine. When taken according to directions, this drug is meant to treat symptoms of colds and allergies, and it's sometimes ... Read More
Help With Substance Abuse
Substance abuse disorder is a diagnosable medical and mental health disorder. It becomes a disorder when it begins interfering with a person’s day-to-day life. It affects 21.5 million people over the age of 2012, yet many do not seek help. Here you will find articles cataloging the aspects and types of substance abuse. The experts at FHE Health identify trends and explain addiction risks for substances from Juul to inhalants.
Can You Get High on Benadryl?
Common Medications for Treating Substance Use Disorders
Once considered an individual moral failing, addiction, and substance use disorders are now recognized as medical conditions. Like with any other disorder type, treatment options have evolved to include pharmaceuticals alongside psychotherapy and support group attendance. Medication-assisted treatment can effectively ... Read More
What Is Oxytocin Nasal Spray and Is It Safe to Take?
Updated September 16, 2024 Many pregnant women and mothers might be familiar with the synthetic version of oxytocin, Pitocin. It may surprise you to know that this labor and delivery drug is also available in a nasal spray. Oxytocin nasal spray uses range from anxiety treatments to long-term autism support. In ... Read More
Can You Overdose on Energy Drinks?
Updated on 9/16/24 Yes, it is possible to overdose on energy drinks. However, overdose fatalities from energy drinks are rare. When someone does die from drinking too many energy drinks, it usually is due to severe heart arrhythmia attributed to the stimulant effects of caffeine. The most famous energy drink—Red ... Read More
Overdose Statistics by Demographic Groups
Every year in the United States, more than 100,000 people lose their lives to drug overdose. While a shocking 16,706 deaths in 2021 were directly linked to legal, prescribed medications — specifically opioids — drug overdose death rates encompass more than just those with a legal prescription. The Opioid Crisis: ... Read More
What Factors Influence Your Risk of Relapse
Achieving sobriety after years of battling drug and alcohol addiction is far from easy. There's more to recovery than getting past withdrawal. It also involves learning new coping mechanisms, making significant lifestyle changes, and having a comprehensive relapse prevention plan. Substance use disorder is ... Read More
The Signs of Being ‘Roofied’ That Everyone Should Know
The act of being drugged without your knowledge or consent is commonly called "being roofied." The term "roofie" originated as a way to describe the drug Rohypnol and its role in date rapes. Since then, the concept has come to refer to several drugs used for this same purpose. In the sections that follow, you'll ... Read More
What Is an Overdose and What Causes Them?
Updated September 12, 2023 What does overdose mean, exactly? Learn possible outcomes from drug overdose, including heart attack, and find out if you can die from overdosing. What does an overdose mean, and can you die from overdosing? An overdose isn't always fatal, but even nonlethal overdoses can lead to ... Read More