What is a designer drug? You may have heard the phrase but aren't sure what it means. The term describes synthetic versions of controlled substances that imitate the pharmacological effects of the original drug. Designer drugs may be created for several reasons, including: As a cheaper alternative For more ... Read More
Search Results for: cocaine
The Psychoactive Effects of Mephedrone on the Brain
Mephedrone is capturing headlines around the world, due to raids and drug busts by various international narcotics control agencies. A case in point is the arrest in Mumbai, India, of the son of a Bollywood star and others attending a party aboard the Cordelia-Empress luxury cruise liner. Law enforcement officials ... Read More
When to Seek Help for Severe Mood Swings – Treatment Options Available
Everyone has days when they're in a better mood than others. Sometimes, an individual may feel upbeat and optimistic, and other times, they may be feeling down or quick to become frustrated. They may even feel a full range of emotions on the same day. Mood swings are a common experience that can be brought on by ... Read More
Drug Profile: What Are Antipsychotics?
Antipsychotics are a large class of drugs used to treat mental health conditions. They're most often used for treating schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, but they have many off-label uses in the United States. Psychosis disorders affect roughly 0.4% of adults worldwide, yet nearly 1.7% of American adults ... Read More
Huffing and the Risks of Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome
We may not think about it on a daily basis, but most of us live in homes that contain deadly substances. Paint, paint thinners, aerosol sprays, and even nail polish remover can cause serious mental and physical damage--even death--when inhaled. The chemicals found in common household products are dangerous, which is ... Read More
Is Alcohol a Gateway Drug?
Alcohol abuse has caused a lot of turmoil and chaos in the lives that it has overtaken. Alcoholism does not happen overnight and as time passes the abuse of alcohol becomes worse. Before you know it, your life can spiral out of control in all areas. Luckily, alcohol addiction treatment will provide the therapy and ... Read More
4 Reasons Men Neglect Self-Care and Mental Health
Mental health treatment and care have come a long way in recent decades. For instance, there are now many medications that have been developed to effectively treat conditions like depression and anxiety, with very few if any side effects. On the other hand, in some ways, there is still a lot of work to be done to ... Read More
Singer Robbie Williams Reveals His Mental Health Struggles
Robbie Williams, an icon in the UK, is also famous globally, with more than 70 million records sold. His career shot off to an amazing start at only 16 years old when he became the singer for the boy band Take That. After five years and six chart-topping singles, Williams went on to pursue a highly successful solo ... Read More