For those seeking effective treatment for mental illnesses or substance use disorders, outpatient treatment can be a practical, affordable solution. While this intensive treatment option offers a structured experience, it's more flexible than inpatient treatment. It's ideal for individuals who are comfortable in group ... Read More
Rehab Explained
Seeking treatment for mental health or substance abuse can be confusing. What is the treatment like? Why are there groups? What methods are used to treat my condition? These are all common concerns for patients seeking rehabilitation and we want to answer them in this section. Our articles are informed by our licensed mental health and substance abuse facility and help you understand how a rehab facility operates and treats the patient.
How to Find a Quality Outpatient Mental Health Program
IOP vs. PHP for Mental Health
Recovery from a mental illness is a lifelong process, and it takes a strong commitment to maintain your health. How you do that depends partly on other factors in your life. The amount of care you need, your family and job commitments and your financial situation all play a role in determining how intensive your care ... Read More
Why Ketamine’s Called a “Speedster Antidepressant”
It seems like every day, a new news report pops up describing how medical professionals are using radical new methods to treat issues like anxiety and depression. One recent breakthrough is ketamine as a treatment for various mental health issues. That's right: The drug that most people associate with raves and major ... Read More
Can You Go to Rehab for Anger Issues?
There are many common reasons individuals choose to seek rehabilitative treatment, including alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, and bipolar disorder. However, some disorders aren't usually thought of as treatable because they're viewed as personality traits. For an individual who finds themselves frequently being ... Read More
What “Brain Fog” Is and How Neurorehab Can Help
Have you ever felt as though your brain just wasn't working as well as it normally does? Maybe you kept making simple mistakes while working, struggled to recall things, or simply couldn't take in any new information. This condition, brain fog, affects everyone at some point, but is particularly common in times of ... Read More
How Inpatient Therapy Can Help Insomnia
If you’re having trouble sleeping regularly, you may feel the need to turn to sleep medications or other substances to get a better night’s rest. The problem with this is that it often results in dependency on the medications or substances you use to lull yourself to sleep at night. Getting insomnia treatments at an ... Read More
Why Isn’t My Outpatient Therapy Working?
Making the choice to get help for mental health challenges is a big first step and one worthy of applause. In many cases, this is the first stop on the road to a better mental state. While there are a number of ways to address mental health, a structured approach to outpatient therapy is a common choice. Inpatient ... Read More
What to Do if Your Family Wants to Force You into Rehab
"You can't force me to go to rehab!" Every day, people are confronted by family members and well-meaning friends who are desperately worried about their drug or alcohol use. If you're wondering, "Can I be forced to go to rehab?," the answer is "yes, in certain circumstances." Here is one example: If a person's drug ... Read More