Some of the barriers to seeking mental or behavioral health treatment, including treatment for addiction, are well-known. Despite the increase in social recognition of addiction and mental health disorders as legitimate diseases, a stigma remains, and it prevents some people from getting the help they need. Other ... Read More
Help for You
Mental health and substance abuse issues are not rare, yet there is a stigma in admitting you need help. Seeking treating can be the turning point you need to live a better life. These articles explore the struggles addicts and those suffering from mental health conditions likely face or will be facing as you seek a better life. Here you’ll also find guidance as you find treatment, navigate early recovery and begin your new life.
Social Anxiety and Recovery: The Fear of Speaking in Groups and Other Barriers to Getting Help
Lay Your Burden Down: On Getting Free From Shame and Seeking Help
Substance abuse disorder, or SUD, is a complex issue that impacts more than 20 million American adults each year and about 1 in 10 at some point in their lives. Close to half of those with a drug or alcohol addiction also have what's known as a co-occurring mental health issue like depression, anxiety, personality ... Read More
5 Coping Strategies When Friends and Family Let You Down
Drug and alcohol treatment is physically and emotionally demanding. Detox takes a physical toll on your body, often creating pain and life-threatening complications. Yet, the emotional struggle and lack of support from family and friends can be even more crushing. Individuals who are in recovery may feel as though ... Read More
An Important Support Base: How to Get Family Involved in Your Recovery
When it comes to successful recovery, having a support system of individuals committed to your long-term sobriety can make a big difference. Getting your family involved in your recovery can help you at any stage of recovery. Family members can help you focus on recovery during rehab and can offer a safe, supportive ... Read More
Talking to Your Employer About Your Addiction
Drug and alcohol addiction is invasive. It impacts every area of your life, including your employment. Though the stereotype of a 'drug abuser' may be that they are unable to hold down jobs or maintain responsibilities, that’s not usually the case. A U.S. News & World Report article indicates that an estimated 76 ... Read More
Time Flies: Alcohol, Lifespan and Aging
Alcohol is a chemical that can change the physical makeup of the body. People often say that alcohol makes your body older. How can drinking a few glasses of alcohol a week prematurely age you? It may be a bit more complex than you realize. And, while you may believe that alcohol is safe to consume, it's also important ... Read More
Addiction to Advil and Other Ibuprofen Medications
Updated May 31, 2019 When most people think of drug addiction, they associate it with illicit drugs like cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth, or they think of prescription drugs like Fentanyl, OxyContin, and morphine. But while it's true that millions of Americans struggle with addiction to drugs that are either ... Read More
Binge Drinking for Escape or Enjoyment: Different Kinds of Risk
Of all the substance abuse problems we treat at FHE Health, alcoholism may be the most complicated for patients to navigate. Why is this? Most likely, it's because with other abuse disorders, the user tends to know what they're doing is wrong. Merely using many other drugs is illegal, and in the case of legal drugs ... Read More