During a Senate hearing earlier in the year, U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander managed to get to the heart of a complicated question: Why are we prescribing mostly opioids to fix opioid addiction? The answer Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and Walter Koroshetz, director of the National ... Read More
Help With Substance Abuse
Substance abuse disorder is a diagnosable medical and mental health disorder. It becomes a disorder when it begins interfering with a person’s day-to-day life. It affects 21.5 million people over the age of 2012, yet many do not seek help. Here you will find articles cataloging the aspects and types of substance abuse. The experts at FHE Health identify trends and explain addiction risks for substances from Juul to inhalants.
Opioid Addiction And How It Changes The Brain
Help! I Think I’m Addicted to Xanax!
Xanax has been shown to be an effective drug for the treatment of panic attacks, anxiety, depression, chemotherapy-related nausea and many other ailments. Although the vast majority of people who use it for medical reasons do not become addicted, there are still people who do. If you think you're addicted, you ... Read More
Helping Someone Addicted to Heroin
Many people in Florida have friends and family addicted to heroin. Unfortunately, it is all too common for them to remain silent, keeping the addiction an open secret. If you know someone who is addicted, they may be struggling to find a way out. An advocate might be just what they need to get into recovery. Showing ... Read More
Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal
In Florida alone there were some 2,798 deaths as a result from overdoses of opioids. You don't have to become part of that number. Help is available. Withdrawal is not easy, but there are trained medical rehabilitation specialists who want to help you. Withdrawal Symptoms When a person has become dependent on a drug, ... Read More
Even Toddlers Endangered By Opioids
More Than 30,000 Children Poisoned By Household Drugs With millions of parents struggling with addiction, there have been growing numbers of young children suffering from accidental overdose. As reported by Medical Xpress, tens of thousands of toddlers and preschoolers are accidentally poisoned when they get into ... Read More
Fentanyl Test Strips Can Prevent Overdoses – But There’s A Problem
Strips Help Addicts Avoid Fentanyl Overdose - But Are Not ApprovedCheap fentanyl test strips can help prevent overdoses, but because the strips have not been FDA approved, they must be used "off label" - preventing widespread adoption. As reported by the Bellingham Herald, a fast, cheap test to see if street drugs ... Read More
Side Effects Experienced with Vicodin
Analgesic opioids — known commercially as Vicodin and Norco, among others — are a fairly common prescription. Vicodin is available as oral tablets or solutions that contain between 5 and 10 mg of hydrocodone and between 300 and 325 mg of acetaminophen (paracetamol), optimized for temporary pain relief. These drugs ... Read More
$500 Billion Per Year – Cost of Opioid Crisis Spiraling Out of Control
New Study Captures Total Economic Impact of CrisisThe Council of Economic Advisers released a new study on the cost of the opioid crisis, and estimated a total annual impact of $500 billion on the US economy. As reported by Marketwatch, some cities are filing lawsuits against drug manufacturers to help pay for the ... Read More