Substance Abuse Withdrawal Timelines As all long-term drug users know, attempting to quit substance use leads to a horrible set of circumstances that makes cessation almost impossible: withdrawal. The body's reaction to stopping use of a substance on which it has become reliant leads to withdrawal, a deep discomfort, ... Read More
Search Results for: opioid
The Supportive Office: How Companies Can Help Employees Face Addiction Issues
Substance addiction is not selective. Mothers, teachers, your auto mechanic and holders of PhDs are all vulnerable to becoming addicted to alcohol abuse, illicit drugs, or prescription drugs. Today, business owners are not only dealing with balancing budgets and increasing revenue against stiff competition, but they ... Read More
How Does Fentanyl Enter the U.S., and What is the Government Doing to Stop It?
Nearly all fentanyl sold on the streets of America enters the country through international mail. In early 2018, a Senate investigation discovered the government simply was not prepared to stop the influx of fentanyl from China. The report, which scrutinized six online fentanyl sellers, found that five operated in ... Read More
The Denial of Treatment for Incarcerated Addicts
It's been well-documented that the way addicts are treated in prison does practically nothing to support recovery, and recent news is showing that in some areas, this trend is worsening despite legislation intended to counteract these issues. In a Boston-area jail, an inmate was refused his right to take prescribed ... Read More
Is It Time for National Standards in Addiction Treatment?
With the opioid epidemic continuing to rise at an alarming rate addiction experts, medical professionals, lawmakers, addicts and advocates alike are scrambling to find a way to deal with the mounting drug-induced deaths. In 2017 alone, more than 70,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the U.S., a rise of 9.6 percent ... Read More
JUUL Addiction: Facts and Treatment for the New E-Cigarette Trend
Updated April 8, 2019 What Exactly Is JUUL, and Why Is It So Popular? With the ongoing shift away from inhaled tobacco products both here in the United States and throughout other Western countries has come a surge in a new nicotine delivery device: the e-cigarette. JUUL has rapidly risen from being a San ... Read More
New Year, New Opportunities: Seeking Out Ways to Give Back in Recovery
Service to others is one of the cornerstones of addiction recovery - it's an integral part of every 12-step program, and it's something that we encourage all of our FHE Health alumni to embrace. We have a saying within the recovery community: "You can't keep it unless you give it away" — it's a reference to the fact ... Read More
The Link Between Chronic Stress and Addiction
When faced with a difficult obstacle, the natural reaction is the creation of stress. Stress can be beneficial in small doses as it may increase your awareness or give you the bolt of energy sometimes needed to accomplish a task. But chronic stress, which lasts for an extended period of time, cannot be brushed off and ... Read More