Although it has been tested as a low potential for addiction, Gabapentin abuse is slowly becoming one of the leading overdose killers. Called “johnnies” or “gabbies” when taken for recreational use, it is usually mixed with heroin and other opioids to enhance the euphoric effect they have on an individual’s brain. It ... Read More
Search Results for: cocaine
Is the 12 Step Program Right for You?
The 12-Step Program was originally promoted by Alcoholics Anonymous and is one of the most common forms of treatment at recovery centers. While it has worked for many people, some find issues with its construction and religious element. Many variations are available in addition to other completely different addiction ... Read More
The Link Between Substance Abuse and Cancer
Cancer is currently one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and there are no signs of this trend slowing down. Nearly 70 million people received a cancer diagnosis in 2016 with breast, lung, prostate, colon, or bladder cancer being the most common forms. Unfortunately, with the way things are going in ... Read More
Is Addiction Hereditary?
Updated November 28, 2022 The term 'addiction' is often referred to as 'a family disease,' but what does that actually mean? Is that a generalization or are some people more genetically predisposed to becoming addicted? The reality is, there are many factors that can cause someone to be vulnerable to addiction. No ... Read More
How Drugs Affect Your Cognitive Functioning
How Drugs Affect Your Cognitive Functioning Drug addictions affect our livelihood. An insidious function of the drug tells us 'we can conceal it', 'it is your secret', yet it begins to affect everything. Our family, our friends, our children, our careers, it seems like nothing we can do can help. This downward cycle ... Read More
How Do I Know If I’m Addicted?
How do I know that I am addicted to something? Addiction is a terrifying disease, and often times it hits us before we even know it is there. But, the question remains, how do I know that I am addicted? Anyone who is addicted to a substance, whether alcohol or drugs, should seek addiction treatment. We at FHE Health ... Read More
The Difference Between a Behavioral Addiction and a Drug Addiction
Imagine you're on a trip with friends to Las Vegas to visit a casino or two. You enter one and hit the tables casually, with a predetermined sum of money you've set aside to play with. Once you run out, you're done, and you and the group leave to get something to eat. This is an example of healthy gambling habits, but ... Read More
The Ways Alcohol Affects Your Brain
In our society, alcohol is a popular “substance”. If you don’t drink then you know someone that does. You might have a beer or two after a long day at the office, or a couple drinks during a night out with friends on the weekend. Alcohol can be a great addition to a fun evening. But, what happens when alcohol stops ... Read More