When a person who struggles with being drug or alcohol abusers realizes they have a problem, the first step to quit drinking is admitting their alcohol intake could be seen as both abuse and addiction. After that the addict must continue the recovery process by speaking to their friends and loved ones about their addiction, thereby externalizing the fact they do indeed have an addiction, but that they also have a support structure that will be a source of hope and help throughout the addict’s recovery. After asking for help, the next task will be finding a treatment program that is right for them. Drug or alcohol treatment plans should be created individually to cater to the unique struggles of each person fighting substance abuse disorder. Regardless of the particular drug the addict is addicted to or the kinds of therapy they will need to get through rehabilitation, the very first step in a recovering addiction treatment plan almost always begins by starting medically supervised detox.
Medically Supervised Alcohol Detox or Drug Detox
When looking for a medically supervised alcohol detox facility in South Florida, recovery centers can be overwhelmingly varied. Some programs include more holistic approaches, others include or do not include 12-step programs. Other Times programs can seem almost identical.to one another. Detox especially may seem like a one size fits all kind of step to substance abuse and withdrawal symptoms treatment, but thinking about any part of alcohol or drug addiction recovery as anything but unique to the patient in question, is a mistake. Even in detox, where every single time a patient will be going through whatever kind of alcohol withdrawal symptoms come with their brand of chemical dependency, those symptoms will be different according to toe specifications of the addicts body. How healthy the patient is, their hygiene, how much they had been drinking or using when they came to detox – these are all physical ways addiction recovery could look different between patients. Likewise, someone’s past trauma and co-occurring diagnosis or dual diagnosis would also play a part in how medical detox goes for them as those aspects of the patient’s life may affect the way they are triggered, or how their cravings manifest. These are all very relevant to how someone should shape treatment for someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction.
Symptoms that come with alcohol or drug withdrawal can range from mild to severe. Only with a qualified staff of licensed medical professionals can an addict be sure of their medical safety while they go through withdrawal. When detox is attempted without medical professionals, often the symptoms that come along with it become too strong for a person and they either suffer for it medically, or they might relapse almost before they’ve even started their treatment.
Residential Rehabilitation Treatment
Many people find residential rehabilitation treatment to be one of the hardest parts of being at a substance abuse house center for recovery. This phase of treatment is spent focusing on removing the person struggling with a substance addiction from the everyday stressors of their lives and surrounding them by other people who are suffering from a similar kind of affliction. Residential rehabilitation is usually very focused on therapy, be it individual therapy or group therapy. Treatment can last anywhere from 21 to 90 days, and in some few cases, even longer than that. Like everything else about drug and alcohol addiction recovery, the length of treatment depends on the addict in question.
Rehab is where the patient will begin to truly dive deep into trying to understand their addiction – what it has done to their body, how it is acting through recovery and what can be expected. An addict will also seek, through therapeutic means, to understand the context surrounding their addiction. Did they, at some point, experience a trauma that helped to lead them to where they are now? Do they have a dual diagnosis? A dual diagnosis is simply a co-occurring mental health disorder. An addict will try to understand with a therapist’s help, and the help of others around them in rehab, how their actions and the community they surround themselves with alter the way they experience the world including the way they experience alcohol, prescription pain medication, or illicit substances. These are all different elements that could shape the types of therapy and treatments a patient will receive during rehab.
Outpatient Sober Living Services and Relapse Prevention
After an addict moves through medical detox, inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation, it is vital for their successful sobriety that they realize that there is further work to be done. Recovery for a drug or alcohol addict never stops. That is because addiction is a chronic disease like asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, or COPD. Chronic diseases cannot be cured, only treated and managed. Therefore with the skills the addict learned in rehab they move through to starting to rebuild their lives. An important companion to structuring one’s life for success in sober living is that the recovering alcohol or drug addict engages with a sober living and relapse prevention aftercare program.
During aftercare services the addict will continue to take part in therapy to help continue learning the life skills that they need to help them deal with difficult situations where they may be triggered. Likely this care will include some kind of behavioral therapy and the patient may engage with a 12 step program. Vitally though is that the patient will still have access to that vibrant community of fellow recovering addicts and a quality staff of dedicated clinicians. Support throughout the recovery process is vital to a patient’s success, but there are few times within the recovery process as vulnerable and scary as the moment a person leaves an inpatient rehab for the outside world. However, if this patient knows that they will still be in recovery, just in a different way now, it can help them to feel more sure of themself. Knowing that support structure is there is more vital in the first few weeks of going home than almost at any other time. It makes a huge difference in preventing relapse, just to be a part of an aftercare program.
Florida Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
FHE Health offers a variety of different addiction treatment programs that are specific to each individual person who seeks addiction recovery. Each step of the way FHE offers quality staff, a comfortable environment so that patients can worry about their treatment instead of everyday stressors. Call FHE today at (833) 596-3502 to learn more about what program is right for you.