What is Alcohol Intolerance? You may have heard of alcohol tolerance, which is a social concept. People with a high tolerance can drink a lot without becoming intoxicated, and people with a low tolerance are the opposite. What you may not be aware of is that the oversimplification of the concept of alcohol ... Read More
Featured Alcohol
Alcohol Sensitivity: Who’s Most Vulnerable to Intolerance?
Understanding the Jellinek Curve and the Stages of Addiction
What is the Jellinek Curve? Whether you've experienced alcoholism yourself or had to watch a loved one sink farther and farther into addiction, you've probably seen firsthand what the progression of alcohol addiction is. The Jellinek curve puts much of what you've observed into an easier-to-see format that shows how a ... Read More
The Dangerous Appeal of Alcopops to Underage Drinkers
The manufacturers of various alcohol products and their marketers have been criticized for decades for marketing to young audiences. Messages might show beautiful young people enjoying the sun, surfing, and socializing on the beach—everyone with a delicious-looking alcoholic drink in hand. The messages might vary but ... Read More
When Day Drinking May Be a Problem
For many people, having a drink outside on a warm afternoon or enjoying a favorite beverage while watching the ball game is a great way to spend a day. (And, in many cases, this is not only safe and legal but harmless.) For some people, however, drinking during the day may signal a problem. Day drinking can be fine ... Read More
The Eye-Opening Science Behind Alcoholic Rage
The existence of an angry "crazy drunk person" is often featured in TV shows and movies because of the rising drama and action they bring to an entertaining storyline. But in real life, a person who loses control of their emotions when they drink is anything but entertaining. People spend years in therapy and in ... Read More
These Sensitivities May Indicate a Beer Intolerance
There's a well-known phrase in Alcoholics Anonymous making light of the concept of an allergy to alcohol. It goes, "I have an allergy to alcohol — whenever I drink it, I break out in handcuffs." While it's usually used in a light, playful way, what it signifies is the importance of complete sobriety — even a single ... Read More
5 Risks of Alcohol Abuse When Coping with Divorce
According to studies cited by the American Psychological Association, roughly half of married couples in the United States eventually divorce. While the reasons for ending a marriage are as unique and complex as the relationship itself, couples almost unanimously agree on one thing: Civorces cause significant ... Read More
Five Common Hiding Places for Alcohol
Alcohol use disorders are incredibly common in the US—with over 14 million adults affected—and can manifest very differently based on lifestyle, personality, or other factors. Some people prefer to play it off as a joke or a general love of partying. Others are deeply afraid of ridicule or judgment and try to hide ... Read More