Many parents understand what it’s like to have horrifying thoughts that won’t go away about their child being harmed. Most everyone experiences moments of frustration or anger when a violent thought creeps in and then subsides. It’s common to experience anxiety and even play out scenarios about failing when trying something new or starting a new job.
For some people, intrusive thoughts present as a short-term issue. For others, they’re a daily challenge. Do intrusive thoughts ever fully go away? It’s not always possible — or even necessary — to completely stop them. The goal is to take away their power.

What Are Intrusive Thoughts?
According to a global study cited by the Mayo Clinic, about 94% of people report experiencing intrusive thoughts. These are thoughts that suddenly enter a person’s consciousness, seemingly out of nowhere, and create a jarring reaction.
Researchers don’t know why these thoughts occur, but for some people, the thoughts may become “sticky,” meaning they linger or reoccur. People with chronic intrusive thoughts may experience these cognitive sensations as intense anxiety. They may also struggle with spiraling fears that cause the thoughts to intensify and create extreme distress.
One example is if a person is constantly interrupted with fearful thoughts about having a heart attack. The thoughts may cause so much anxiety that symptoms mimicking a heart attack occur. These types of intrusive thoughts are associated with anxiety or panic attacks.
Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
While everyone experiences some degree of intrusive thoughts at times, disturbing thoughts cause great distress and consistently recur. These can trigger intense feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and shame.
Often, the content of the unwanted intrusive thoughts includes violence, such as pushing someone in front of a train or hurting a child. They also commonly include sexual deviance. These types of thoughts can trigger self-doubt and fear because the thought is at odds with the person’s values.
Although not all unwanted intrusive thoughts are the result of a mental disorder or health condition, they can be a symptom.
What Causes Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts that won’t stop can occur for no particular reason. Some experts believe intrusive thoughts manifest in rebellion against the things we’d never actually do. Other experts believe intrusive thoughts reveal underlying issues in relationships or stability. As our brains wander and are influenced by our surroundings, strange thoughts can occur and linger.
Intrusive thoughts have been documented after the following diagnoses:
- Brain trauma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Dementia
Intrusive thoughts are also associated with certain mental health conditions, covered below.
Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Related to Intrusive Thoughts?
When intrusive thoughts or obsessions become uncontrollable to the point that they’re affecting daily functioning, obsessive-compulsive disorder may be the explanation. OCD intrusive thoughts that occur repeatedly throughout the day are unhealthy and interfere with quality of life. The thoughts could seem benign at first, but their frequency and intensity can create problems.
People with OCD intrusive thoughts may experience:
- Fearful thoughts of being contaminated by germs
- Checking and rechecking locks
- Excessive focus on religious or moral thoughts
- Fearful thoughts about not having life’s necessities
- Consuming thoughts about things not being in order
- Excessive thoughts about superstitions
- Fixations on situations that are outside of the person’s control
How can someone tell an obsessive thought from an intrusive thought? When intrusive thoughts become consuming, governing daily actions and responses, they cross over into OCD thoughts. Similarly, when your thoughts interfere with responsibilities and relationships, it’s time to seek help for OCD.
Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Related to Intrusive Thoughts?
Intrusive thoughts connected to traumatic events may occur in people who live with PTSD. The intrusive thoughts may become so overwhelming that they cause intense distress. For example, a survivor of a severe car accident may experience intrusive and even obsessive thoughts that prevent them from wanting to travel by car.
Are Eating Disorders Related to Intrusive Thoughts?
People who live with eating disorders experience intrusive thoughts on an ongoing basis relating to food, control, and body image. They constantly think about calories and their impact. The obsessive thoughts lead to distress when it comes to food and eating, which has a severe impact on the body.
Tips on How to Deal With Intrusive Thoughts
Many people who experience intrusive thoughts that disrupt their daily lives have wondered how to be free. The consensus among mental health professionals is that the best way to reduce intrusive thoughts is to reduce sensitivity to the thought.
A few ways for people to reduce the frequency and impact of intrusive thoughts include:
- Identifying the thought as intrusive and allowing the thought to occur with the understanding that it isn’t a reflection of the whole person
- Practicing deep breathing, allowing time to pass
- Accepting the intrusive thoughts and expecting them to come back without judgment
- Continuing with the activity that triggers the thought and working past the thought
- Practicing mindfulness meditation to relieve the anxiety associated with intrusive thoughts
Should intrusive thoughts persist and cause severe distress or interfere with your quality of life, consider consulting your doctor and seeking professional treatment.
What Can You Do to Manage Intrusive Thoughts?
Self-care and therapy can help you recognize distressing thoughts for what they are: just thoughts. Your brain may be telling you “stories” that feel very real, but thoughts have no power or significance on their own. Most importantly, they don’t define you or your character.
How do you stop getting stuck on intrusive thoughts? The first step in breaking the cycle is to become aware of your thought patterns. When an intrusive thought emerges, do you get tangled up in negative emotions and judgment of yourself? Does your body react to physical sensations?
Give Yourself Some Grace
Regain perspective by reminding yourself that all thoughts are temporary. Instead of fighting or wishing them away — which can often make intrusive thoughts worse — see if you can calmly observe and acknowledge them. It takes practice, but you can build resilience by repeating positive affirmations such as “This is just a passing thought” or “I am a good person.” Mindful meditation apps and visualization techniques may also help ground you with a feeling of control.
Redirect Your Attention
It’s common for intrusive thoughts to arise when you’re dwelling in the past or fretting about the future. Re-center your focus by finding joy in the present moment. If you enjoy being creative, carve out time to journal, color or draw. See if putting intrusive thoughts to paper reduces their emotional impact. You may also find benefits in a daily nature walk or spending time with a pet.
Explore Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapy that’s particularly helpful for treating thought disorders. By working with a CBT therapist, you’ll learn how to change your distorted thought patterns, calm your mind and body, and create more distance between you and your thoughts. The idea is to become less sensitive and reactive to the intrusions, thereby reducing their intensity and frequency.
Many studies show CBT is at least as effective as other psychiatric therapies and medications. If you worry that your disturbing thoughts won’t go away, contact a compassionate mental health practitioner.
What Is the Best Treatment for Intrusive Thoughts?
In some cases, a mental health professional may prescribe a medication that balances the chemicals in the brain. When someone is diagnosed with OCD, PTSD, or depression, an antidepressant or other drug that alters serotonin levels may be effective in alleviating intrusive thoughts.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Regular therapy sessions with a mental health professional are an effective way to reduce intrusive thoughts. Through CBT, patients learn effective strategies for responding to intrusive thoughts and becoming less sensitive to them. A therapist may also work to desensitize the patient by intentionally exposing them to triggers so the intrusive thought can be worked through in a controlled setting.
On its own and in addition to other therapies, self-care is always important. Whether it’s yoga, meditation, massage, or another form of self-care, soothing the mind and body can help reduce intrusive thoughts and your response to them.
When to Seek Help With Thoughts That Won’t Go Away
Several signs can indicate it’s time to seek help for intrusive thoughts that won’t stop. For example, if the thoughts you experience begin to have an impact on your day-to-day life, including your ability to fulfill responsibilities at home and work, you may need professional help. You may also need to seek help if the thoughts increase in frequency and duration or if you notice you’re experiencing higher levels of fear and anxiety.
Mental health care professionals use a variety of therapies to address underlying causes of intrusive thoughts based on your personal history, the types of thoughts you experience, and whether you have coexisting mental health issues such as depression and PTSD. These therapies effectively retrain your brain, helping you manage and reduce the frequency of troubling thoughts.
Intrusive thoughts often stem from depression, traumatic experiences, or anxiety disorders. Many people find it helpful to discuss past experiences that shape their thought lives. However, even if you don’t feel comfortable talking about the events you’ve experienced or the exact content of your thoughts, a mental health care professional can still help you develop the tools you need to feel in control.
Effective treatment and prevention of intrusive thoughts may take time, but patience is key. Establishing and maintaining a treatment plan is imperative and will gradually be effective in alleviating troubling intrusive thoughts. To learn how FHE can help, contact us today.