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Sometimes a relatively small tweak to your routine, when practiced daily over time, can make a positive, life-changing difference. Just ask Director of Alumni Services Joi Honer. She recently started a new program for alumni built on the same premise. In this case, the “small tweak” is a daily affirmation sent as a text. The goal is to support and encourage our alumni in their journey toward long-term wellness.
We recently reached out to Honer for more information about the program and her hopes about what it will do for our alumni. We also wanted to know more about the mental health benefits of daily affirmations, both in terms of existing research and Honer’s own experience. Honer has been in successful long-term recovery for over 40 years and has worked in the treatment field more than 33 years. You can catch Honer’s insights in the below Q&A.
Understanding the Benefits of Daily Affirmations for Mental Health and Recovery
Q: What have been the benefits of daily affirmations in your own recovery?
A: Daily affirmations have been a valuable tool for creating positive changes in my personal life, by counteracting unhealthy beliefs and negative self-messages (or “cognitive distortions”) that I was holding onto from my past. Daily affirmations have helped me challenge and reframe these beliefs about my personal abilities, strengths, and resilience. I still use affirmations today in different ways.
The Positive Impact of Daily Affirmations on Mental Health
Q: What is the positive impact of daily affirmations on mental health?
A: A healthy daily routine is critical to recovery from mental health and substance use disorders; and research has found that changing our thoughts can change our behaviors. Daily positive thoughts or affirmations support both things, a healthy routine and healthier choices and behaviors.
Sometimes, when people think of change, they think of giant, sweeping life changes, but change often consists of small and simple daily steps. Daily affirmations are like those small, simple, daily steps that overtime make a difference.
Q: What would you like to see these daily text affirmations do for our alumni?
A: Introducing a positive thought or resolution into your mind daily can often replace those negative thoughts that plague us as we navigate the wellness journey. I would like for these affirmations to be another helpful tool that alumni can use to reinforce their personal daily commitment to themselves and to their wellness and recovery.
Incorporating Affirmations into Your Daily Routine
Q: What suggestions do you have for incorporating daily affirmations in one’s routine?
A: Specifically, using the text message, I would say, do more than just acknowledge that you received the message. Take some time during your day, even just 30 seconds, and either internally or externally, quietly repeat or meditate on the positive thought or affirmation. Pause, put your hand on your heart, and allow yourself to absorb the positive thought or affirmation. You can also write it on a sticky note and put it on your mirror.
Positive Mindset Practices for Self-Confidence and Resilience
Q: How can daily affirmations improve self-esteem and mental resilience, according to research?
A: Reframing negative thoughts and beliefs plays an important role in the counseling process for a reason. It works. There is scientific evidence that suggests positive affirmations have positive effects on psychological well-being, and even physical health. For instance, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania showed that repeating self-affirmations creates physical changes in certain regions of the brain. Others have reported that positive affirmations can activate the brain’s reward system, so there is solid evidence that backs the value of a daily positive thought or affirmation.
Will daily affirmations on their own improve self-esteem? Most likely not, but they are a step in the journey to improving self-esteem. Other steps can include paying attention to self-care, acting in accordance with your personal value system, surrounding yourself with positive people, taking advantage of opportunities to master a new skill, letting go of perfectionism, and setting boundaries.
Realistic Affirmations vs. “Pie-in-the-Sky” Thinking
Q: Any concluding advice about how to cultivate a healthier and more positive mindset?
A: Affirmations and positive thoughts need to be and should be rooted in realistic, applicable statements. For instance, the affirmation, “I can fly,” is not achievable, but the statement, “I can do hard things,” or “I am capable of learning new ways of thinking,” is achievable.
Positive affirmations should not replace the emotional and therapeutic work that may be necessary to navigate past trauma or other mental health issues. However, in conjunction with therapeutic interventions, lifestyle and behavioral changes, and peer support, a positive thought each day yields positive results.
Interested in receiving a daily text affirmation? All FHE Health alumni are eligible. To sign up, email the Alumni team at alumni@fhehealth.com.