In 2013, the critically acclaimed movie Her explored the “love” story between a lonely middle-aged man, played by Joaquin Phoenix, and an AI assistant voiced by Scarlett Johansson. Just over a decade later, AI is embedded in all facets of daily life. The popularity of artificial intimacy is rising, with many people living the real-life version of the film’s narrative. Is using AI companions a harmless pastime? Or can it lead to further social isolation and mental health issues?
Understanding Artificial Intimacy
Artificial intimacy refers to the closeness and connection some people have with technology, including chatbots and virtual assistants. The term could be expanded to describe surface-level friendships on social media platforms and the reliance on digital tools for work, entertainment and health management.
With continuous advancements in generative AI tools, machines can simulate human-like responses with accuracy and even nuance. These advanced systems can use natural-sounding language to offer empathy, support and understanding. From companions to therapy bots, there’s no shortage of AI tools that mimic the intimacy associated with human relationships.
The Growing Popularity of AI Companions
Despite being more connected than ever through various online platforms, more than 50% of Americans reported feeling lonely in 2023, an issue the U.S. Surgeon General defines as an epidemic. Social isolation can lead to mental health struggles such as depression and increase the risk of medical issues such as heart attack and stroke. The COVID-19 pandemic and the increased reliance on technology during lockdowns exacerbated the problem.
It’s no surprise that a growing number of people are finding meaningful connections in the digital realm. AI companion chatbots are more sophisticated than ever and can provide users with personalized interactions, emotional support and even romance. As society struggles with unprecedented loneliness and social isolation rates, friendly chatbots may offer an attractive “replika” of intimacy.
Unlike people, AI partners don’t judge, are available 24-7 and provide interactions centered on the user and their needs. Many of these virtual friendship services claim to offer mental health support. Some individuals find it easier to express themselves when talking to a chatbot, while opening up to other people can seem complicated and confusing.
Why Are People Using AI Companions?
While there’s limited research on the topic, one study examined the online discourse of men “dating” chatbots. It found the promise of “training” the AI bot into what they perceive as an ideal girlfriend was one reason for its popularity. People who were previously hurt by romantic relationships found the idea of romance with a chatbot particularly appealing. Some users reported growing overly attached to their virtual companions to the point of feeling they were in love or worrying what would happen if they were no longer able to communicate on a regular basis.
Psychological and Social Implications
The emergence of “AI girlfriends” is relatively new, and the number of companies offering this service continues to grow. Social media advertisements promoting artificial intimacy and the rise in loneliness are attracting a steady stream of users.
AI companions’ impact on individuals and society is both promising and concerning. The bots are advertised as companions to help alleviate loneliness and provide emotional support. Some bots offer mental health support, such as guiding users through cognitive behavioral therapy workbooks, which could be helpful for people who can’t access more traditional forms of treatment. AI companions can also serve as a nonjudgmental outlet.
However, while chatbots may appear supportive and understanding, their responses are based on algorithms rather than personal knowledge or emotional depth.
Becoming reliant on a relationship with a machine can increase social isolation. Users may become reluctant to engage in meaningful relationships with other people, which could worsen the loneliness epidemic in the long run.
Replacing human connection with AI companions’ faux intimacy may lead to unrealistic expectations of relationships. People can’t be instantly available or “trained” to become someone’s idealized partner. The illusion of intimacy provided by AI can create a dependency, making navigating the complexities of real-life relationships more challenging.
Future Trends
As technology advances, AI companions will likely become more sophisticated. Future developments may include more refined emotional recognition, enhanced personalization and even greater integration into daily life. Programming chatbots to mimic well-known historical figures, celebrities and psychotherapists is a growing market. Some social media influencers are already monetizing this trend by making AI versions of themselves available for purchase.
Relationships between humans and AI bots are currently limited to computer screens. However, lifelike companion robots powered by artificial intelligence are no longer just in the realm of fiction. These AI partners may become available to purchase within a few short years, further blurring the lines between genuine human connections and artificial intimacy.
Artificial intelligence may become more widely used in the medical field, including in mental health care. By offering consistent, around-the-clock availability, AI companions could complement traditional therapy. While this could benefit some individuals, the concept isn’t without risks.
Ethical Considerations
Privacy is a significant concern, as these bots often require access to users’ sensitive personal data. Chatbots, especially those created as companions, are trained by user input, bringing into question whether conversations with users are private.
There’s also the potential for manipulation, as AI companions could be programmed to influence users’ behaviors or opinions, raising questions about autonomy and consent. These chatbots are advertised to vulnerable people who develop genuine emotional attachments, making them more susceptible to influence. For example, companies offering these services charge premium memberships for features such as voice chat and advanced algorithms. Users might feel pressured by their “partner” to continue their subscriptions or upgrade despite financial struggles, bringing up the issue of whether these business practices are ethical.
You Don’t Need to Struggle Alone
Loneliness affects more than half the U.S. population and can lead to mental health struggles. At FHE Health, our team of compassionate professionals understands the need for human connections. Contact us today and let us help you address underlying emotional issues so you can start on the road toward a more content life.