Maybe you’ve made a mistake and became addicted to something. Maybe you’ve relapsed. Or perhaps you’ve found yourself in a difficult life situation where you aren’t getting the support you feel you need. You are not alone, and there are many people who have been able to turn a failure into a success. If we persevere, we can make it too.
Some Big Artistic Failures
You’ve probably heard about JK Rowling, the writer of the hugely successful Harry Potter series. She lost her mother, her marriage broke up, and she was jobless and on welfare. She started sending out copies of her novel to publishers, and it was rejected over and over again. Finally one publisher read it and published it, but only gave her a small advance and gave the book a small print run. Of course once Rowling and her book were discovered, they were huge.
Similarly, Jay-Z had musical skills from his impoverished childhood, but that didn’t mean anyone cared. No record would give him the time of day, let alone sign him. Finally, he created his own record company. He had a few major hits, although still had a rocky road of success and made some big mistakes along the way. Jay-Z has made more than his share of problems, some of them criminal, but he continues to work hard and overcome his burdens.
Some Big Sports Failures
Although he’s long claimed that he was cut from his basketball team in high school, Michael Jordan was put on junior varsity which is surprising for the person many people think is the best basketball player ever.
Another sports failure is Babe Ruth. He was once known as the strikeout king with a record-setting 1,330 strikeouts. Of course now we know him for his home runs.
For every big name we can share, there are thousands of people who aren’t in the spotlight that have overcome their challenges and mistakes. Whatever failure you’re dealing with: it’s human. It happens. What matters is not staying trapped in the problem and finding tools to deal with it. Some healthy tools can include talk therapy, mental health rehab, and drug or alcohol rehab if necessary. Find out how by calling (833) 596-3502.