California spared deadly effects of opioid crisis, for now...Limited distribution of fentanyl, and progressive policies for "harm reduction" addiction treatment have helped California to break the trend that the rest of the country is seeing with opioid-related overdose deaths. As reported in the LA Daily News, ... Read More
Treatment Legislation
From ballot initiatives to congreessional hearings, behavioral health and addiction are often interacting with the government. We cover the biggest legislative news around the nation and how it is impacting or may impact behavioral health. As an industry leader in treatment, our experts understand how new laws and regulations will affect both clients and treatment.
California Efforts Help Minimize Overdose Deaths
“Farm Town Strong” Initiative Targets Rural Opioid Crisis
Nearly every farming family impacted by opioidsSmall farming communities across America have been slowly dying for years. Now the opioid crisis is bringing more death and destruction. To address this situation, national organizations are stepping up to create awareness and provide support for America's farming ... Read More