Tom Holland may play a nearly perfect superhero in the Spider-Man movies, but in real life, the actor is no stranger to personal challenges. In recent years, the actor has shared that he’s personally struggled with alcohol addiction and is proud to live a sober life now. Let’s take a closer look at Tom Holland’s addiction and its impact on his mental health.
Tom Holland’s Early Years and Rise to Fame
Tom Holland’s rise to fame started very early. At 9, he was enrolled in a dancing class, and an instructor noticed his incredible talent. The teacher encouraged him to audition for a role in a London theater production. After a couple of years in theater, Holland made his onscreen debut in the film The Impossible.
In June 2015, when he was 19, Holland caught his big break when Marvel Studios gave him a six-movie contract to play the role of Spider-Man. He became famous overnight and has maintained A-list celebrity status ever since.
Tom Holland’s Addiction
In 2023, Holland revealed in a podcast interview that he had been sober for a year and a half. He’s been open about his addiction, saying, “I’m happy to say it — I was definitely addicted to alcohol. I’m not shying away from that at all.”
Interestingly, there was no shocking low point or embarrassing moment that made Holland realize he had a problem. Instead, it was a gradual realization when he tried to cut out drinking. He shared, “It’s interesting. I didn’t one day wake up and say, ‘I’m giving up drinking.’ I, just like many Brits, had a very, very boozy December … I’ve always been able to drink a lot.”
When he decided to give Dry January a shot, he noticed that he couldn’t stop thinking about alcohol. “I was waking up thinking about it. I was checking the clock when’s it 12. It really scared me. I just was like, ‘Wow, maybe I have a little bit of an alcohol thing.'”
Holland decided he wanted to challenge himself and extend his sobriety another month. But that wasn’t enough. He realized he relied on drinking as a social lubricant to unwind with others. And without the alcohol, Tom Holland’s anxiety in social situations came to light. “Two months go by, and I was still really struggling. I felt like I couldn’t be social. I felt like I couldn’t go to the pub and have a lime soda. I couldn’t go out for dinner. I was really struggling, and I started to really worry that maybe I had an alcohol problem.”
He decided to set a goal of 6 months of sobriety, ending in June, his birthday month. He was proud of himself for accomplishing the goal and when he got to the 6-month mark, he decided sobriety was the better option.
What Led to Sobriety
Holland mentions a few reasons he developed a drinking problem. First, he is British, and he talked about how it’s common in British culture to indulge in alcohol. He also loved rugby and realized that the sport naturally came with a lot of drinking. When he became sober, he distanced himself from the rugby community because “so much of the environment is about how much you can drink.”
Life After Drinking
The actor says he’s now the happiest he’s ever been and feels the decision to stop drinking was the best one he’s ever made. He doesn’t even think about drinking anymore.
His friends are supportive of his decision, and he’s shared that his mom is sober now, too, saying, “She’s loving it, and it’s been amazing.”
And Tom Holland’s mental health and overall health has even improved. He shared, “I could sleep better. I could handle problems better. Things that would go wrong on set that would normally set me off, I could take in my stride. I had much better mental clarity. I felt healthier; I felt fitter.”
Holland says just because he’s sober doesn’t mean he goes around and peer pressures others to follow suit. He says it’s been the best decision he’s ever made, and he hopes he can encourage others to review their relationship with alcohol. But he doesn’t need to force anyone’s hand. Holland said in his interview, “I don’t want to start getting into the world of, ‘You need to stop drinking,’ because it’s not for me to say. I went on my own little journey. I’m really enjoying it.”
The Road to Recovery Looks Different for Everyone
Holland didn’t seek professional help in his journey to recovery. He noticed he had a problem, cut out areas of his life that were contributing to the problem (like his rugby community) and vowed to make a change.
This is an inspiring story and his efforts should be commended.
But not everyone’s recovery story can look like this. For some people, the addiction is so deep and overwhelming that the only way out is with professional support. And that’s okay, too. Seeking professional rehab services is a safe and effective way to get sober. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how you get sober — just that you do.
The Importance of Celebrity Advocacy for Recovery
Holland’s journey can’t be discussed without applauding his bravery and courage to step forward with this story. According to a 2022 National Survey on Drug and Alcohol Use, more than 10% of Americans aged 12 and older struggled with an alcohol use disorder in the last year. And yet, despite the prevalence of this condition, there’s still a lot of shame around addiction.
When a celebrity shares their story of addiction or mental health struggles, they’re helping spread awareness on the topic. They’re showing that anyone can go through these issues. Most importantly, they illustrate that recovery is possible.
Holland played a superhero many young children look up to. When younger populations hear him talking about the dangers of drinking, they’ll listen and learn.
Addiction Treatment at FHE Health
You can take inspiration from Holland’s story and see that sobriety can feel like a new chapter of your life. But know that going about it alone isn’t the only option. FHE Health is an addiction and mental health treatment center that’s helped thousands of patients on a journey to recovery. Find out how we can help you by contacting us today.