Unmanageability by Peter Marinelli
Unmanageability comes from a state of consciousness that we generate because of living life on self will. What this looks like in part, one can look at the bedevilment’s in the big book Alcoholics Anonymous.
( Trouble in personal relationships, couldn’t control our emotional natures, prey to misery and depression, couldn’t make a living, had a feeling of uselessness, full of fear, unhappy, can’t seem to be of real help to other people)
This condition cannot be fixed on our own power. We will make attempts to remedy this by going outside of ourselves, with sex, money, food, gambling, drink, and drugs. It’s alcoholism going underground and resurfacing in other areas of our lives. Although we may experience temporary relief for the moment, it drives us deeper into bondage. Our solutions for today can become tomorrow’s problems.
With the Spiritual Transformation I can go a from a place of unmanageability(because of my futile attempts to manage my life) to God managing my life, whereby I find balance, peace, ease and comfort, which can be a permanent state of being-ness. It’s the “simple reliance upon the Spirit of the universe”.
The Spirit (God) than allows me to carry the vision of His will into all my activities. I have found a great prayer to work with is just that. “Thank you God for showing me how to carry the vision of Your will into all my activities”.
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