In America, alcohol plays an enormous part in dating. People often meet in bars, and many relationships start with a drink in the hand. Even people who meet online, often choose a bar for their first face-to-face. There are many reasons why this happens, but being sober can change the tune in a way that people aren’t expecting. Sobriety and dating can go together, nicely in fact, but it does take a different outlook.
Tips for Dating While Sober
Dating when you’re living clean goes a whole lot easier when the person you are dating is sober as well. This does come with some risks, particularly if s/he is fresh into recovery and their relapse could cause you to as well. But if they’re sober, you have something big in common already. Thankfully many dating sites allow you to filter matches by drug and alcohol use or disuse.
There are a lot of activities you can do together besides going to a bar. Those first couple dates are the hardest, which is why we often use alcohol as a crutch to help the relationship get started. But shared events are great and offer a much more solid foundation. Sporting events, museums, or physical activities like hiking or rock climbing can offer great opportunities to get to know each other in a clean environment. These are often much more memorable as well.
Some Caution
When many people recover from one addiction they often replace it with another. Many people are at risk of codependency when they get into a new relationship after detox. Take things slow, put your sobriety first, and focus on communication.
Be aware that flirting and signals can be dramatically different when you’re drinking. Sometimes people rely on the inhibitions of alcohol and when we’re sober it can feel like a whole new language. Again, take things slow and focus on communication to navigate what might feel like a very different dating experience.
Finding someone who is also sober can be an incredibly positive scenario and reinforce your healthy living. If you’re not sober yet and would like to, please call us to learn about alcohol detox centers in Florida: (833) 596-3502.