January 6th, 2022
FHE Health continues to exercise top-level precautions to protect our patients and staff during this pandemic. Any patient who would like a COVID-19 vaccine or booster shot may receive one upon admission to our facility.
Meanwhile, the state of Florida has taken proactive measures to ensure there are many early treatments and therapeutic options available.
September 14, 2021
To protect the safety of our community, we have made an optional COVID-19 vaccine available to all patients upon admission.
November 10, 2020
We at FHE Health are fulfilling a pledge to keep our patients and families regularly informed about on-the-ground developments and how we are responding. We also continue to grieve with Americans who have lost loved ones to COVID-19 and those who are battling the virus. Our hearts and minds are with you, and we are eager for a time when this ordeal will be behind us.
Rates of infection are once again rising around the country, and Florida faces a similar trend. At FHE, we have continued to implement the same high-level infection prevention protocol that we first enacted in March of this year— so that we can continue to provide safe, effective, and quality care to Americans with mental health conditions and/or drug or alcohol problems.
As an essential healthcare provider, we feel thankful to report nothing has changed in our capacity to keep our doors open and provide much-needed treatment to those who are suffering.
Are you hurting because of drugs, alcohol, or another mental health problem? We can help. Call us today at 1-844-413-7904 to learn how.
October 7, 2020
We at FHE Health have been following developments regarding COVID-19 with vigilance as usual. We are hoping for the day when this crisis is behind everyone and continue to remember those who have been hit the hardest.
We also remain thankful that the high-level protocol that we are continuing to practice since its implementation at the start of the pandemic is helping to protect our patients and staff—so we can keep providing essential healthcare with excellence. We’ve said it before but want to emphasize again that the health and safety of our patients and community are our #1 priority.
Meanwhile, enough has changed in on-the-ground developments locally and statewide to warrant an update. Encouragingly, rates of death, infection, and hospitalization have been on the decline in Broward County and greater South Florida. Last week Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declared by Executive Order that we are in “Phase 3” of a tiered plan for gradually reopening businesses and services in the state. (The same social distancing requirements, such as wearing masks and staying six feet apart, will remain in effect.)
While these new developments are encouraging and a reason to hope the worst is behind us, they aren’t changing how we at FHE are operating in response to COVID-19. We are taking the same rigorous precautions that we’ve been following throughout the pandemic to ensure the highest level of protection for each patient and each staff member at our facility.
If you’re struggling with drugs, alcohol, or a mental health condition, please don’t let fears of COVID-19 keep you from feeling better, or at least exploring how to feel better. Call us today at 1-844-413-7904, so we can answer any questions or concerns.
July 13, 2020
With newly rising numbers of COVID-19 nationwide and in our state of Florida, we continue to remember those most impacted by this crisis and to hold them in our thoughts and prayers. We also wanted to provide an update on our response to these latest outbreaks—and, to reassure anyone in need of mental health or drug and alcohol treatment that our doors are open and that safe, quality care is available.
While the pandemic has called into question many certainties, FHE Health’s life-saving mission—providing mental health and addiction rehab—is not one of them. Our doors have been open throughout this crisis and will remain so, thanks to high-level, infection control procedures that we enacted at the start of the outbreak and in alignment with the guidance of the CDC. We continue to practice the same safety protocol, and our staff is healthy.
We are also monitoring the data for Florida and our locale of Broward County and Palm Beach County.
Reassuringly, the numbers of new COVID-19 cases in Broward and Palm Beach Counties have remained pretty consistent, in contrast to other parts of Florida that have seen outbreaks.
At FHE Health, the health and safety of our patients are our #1 concern. As a medical facility that provides essential health services, we have taken every level of precaution to ensure the protection of our patients. When a mental health condition or drug or alcohol addiction that’s risking your or a loved one’s life can’t wait for a pandemic to end, we are here to help. For more information about our treatment programs and COVID-19 protocol, call us today at 1-855-407-8724.
May 13, 2020
An Update Re: Our Response to COVID-19
We remain committed to keeping an open line of communication with you about how we are keeping our patients and staff safe. Some of you may be wondering if or how we are changing our operations, now that the state of Florida has gradually begun to reopen businesses and community organizations. We want you to know that FHE Health is exercising the same, high-level protocol for preventing the spread of COVID-19 that we’ve followed since the early days of the outbreak.
As a healthcare provider, we are an essential business—we’ve been fully operational throughout the pandemic. This means that nothing has changed with respect to the policies and procedures for preventing COVID-19 that we first enacted back in March. We are ensuring minimal patient exposure to viruses in the outside population. Our medical staff is regularly checking patients’ and staff members’ vital signs throughout the day. We are closely following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our state and local officials.
And, we are thankful to be able to report that these policies have been highly successful at keeping patients and staff safe, healthy, and happy.
Meanwhile, we are also mindful of the tremendous stress and worrisome mental health symptoms that so many individuals and families are facing right now. We want you to know we are here for you. As a community partner, we are prepared to assist however we can. You can call us any time, day or night. Rest assured that one of our counselors will answer your call: 1-855-407-8724.
March 26, 2020
An Update Re: Our Response to COVID-19
Much has happened since we last updated you about how we are responding to COVID-19. During this turbulent time, we want to first take a moment to remember all those most affected by this crisis, from patients and families to the healthcare workers and first responders who care for them and the many Americans working in “critical industries” at this time. The mental health pressures are enormous right now, and we want to reassure you that we remain committed to serving as a trusted treatment resource— now more than ever.
Rest assured that we’ve been able to successfully implement high-level, infection control procedures and strict policies to ensure minimal patient exposure to any viruses in the outside population. Our medical staff is regularly checking patients’ and staff members’ vital signs throughout the day. These measures have been effective in helping us protect the health and safety of our patients and staff. We will continue to evaluate the effectiveness of these measures, make changes where needed, and keep you updated, in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our state and local officials.
The mental health repercussions of this global pandemic are only beginning to be felt. For individuals and families who are most affected, there is nothing worse than not being able to access trusted treatment when you need it most. We want you to know we are here to help you find the care you need. Our admissions counselors are available 24/7. Call us anytime. We are here to help.
March 13, 2020
How FHE Health Is Responding to COVID-19
During this unsettling time, we want to extend our heartfelt concern to the individuals and families who have been impacted by the virus. We want to assure you that we are continuing to monitor the Coronavirus outbreak and we are actively following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in real time. The welfare of our staff and patients remains our utmost concern and is at the forefront of all of our policies and procedures.
We are taking every possible precaution to protect our staff and our patients and to keep our community free of the virus. We have therefore implemented high-level infection control procedures and have enacted strict policies to ensure that patients have minimal exposure to any viruses in the outside population. Our experienced and dedicated medical professionals are checking patients’ and staff-members vital signs regularly and vigilantly monitoring them for any first signs of illness.
These measures are part of an evolving plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We are staying in close communication with state, local and federal officials, so that we can monitor and manage any new, on-the-ground developments. We are prepared to respond quickly and effectively to protect our staff and patients. Their best interests are (and will remain) at the center of our decisions regarding how to respond to COVID-19.
Given the larger climate of fear and uncertainty over the Coronavirus, we wanted to end with a note of reassurance: We are here for you. We will continue to provide the high-quality treatment that our patients need, because we understand the human urgency of addiction and mental health disorders. These do not stop for Coronavirus. Neither will we. Our admissions counselors are available 24/7 to answer any questions. Please do not hesitate to call us if we can be of assistance in any way.