Recovering From Addiction Is A Long Term Battle
For addicts and their families, recovery from opioid addiction is usually a multi-year battle. Addiction Rule number 1 for families and addicts: stay alive.
As reported by the LA Times, Rule No. 1: Stay alive.
If you or a loved one wants to beat an opioid addiction, first make sure you have a handy supply of naloxone, a medication that can reverse an overdose and save your life.
“Friends and families need to keep naloxone with them,” says Dr. David Kan, an addiction medicine specialist in Walnut Creek who is president of the California Society of Addiction Medicine. “People using opioids should keep it with them, too.”
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If you’re ready to address your own addiction, or that of a loved one, know that you may not succeed — at first. You probably won’t be able to do it without outside help or medications. And you’ll probably have to take those medications for years — or the rest of your life.
“Getting over a drug addiction is a process. There are going to be ups and downs,” says Patt Denning, director of clinical services and training at the Center for Harm Reduction Therapy in San Francisco and Oakland. “We need to hang with people while they’re struggling. It might take a while.”
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To learn more about the long term journey of addiction recovery, please visit the LA Times.