Is it Possible? by Peter Marinelli
Is it possible that despair (from the mind) is an extreme form of self, where pride will not allow us to turn to someone or God for help?
Is it possible that in this place we can no longer see that God is with us?
Is it possible that in a place of humility we no longer experience despair, because in humility there is no longer self pity or self seeking?
Is it possible the humble man expects nothing and experiences abundance? Expects nothing and receives peace, presence, joy, contentment, and oneness with God?
And the one who is of greed expects abundance and receives nothing?
Humility will destroy the self-centeredness one suffers from and it through the an experience with God that we experience humility and through humility we experience God
The spiritual transformation is a process of removal and never addition. The removal of self which will always brings us to a place of oneness with God.
Chop wood, carry water
Peter Marinelli