5 Reasons to Try a New Rehab When Successful Recovery Hasn’t Been Achieved
Going to rehab is a huge step in the right direction. Many people never even get the help they need in the first place. This results in years of wallowing in addiction, and possibly even leading to overdose and death. Unfortunately, the relapse rate in recovery is high. Many people go to rehab for a second, third, or fourth time, and still don’t get it right.
The issue with going to rehab repeatedly is that many times people go to the same treatment center repeatedly. While it may be somewhat of an individual’s comfort zone, clearly the first attempt was unsuccessful. Many individuals are under the mistaken impression that all rehabs are the same; but, that is hardly the case. Branching out and finding a rehab that meets the needs of the addict is the most important thing to do. There are many variations of treatment out there for varying needs.
5 Reasons a New Rehab Will Work
Finding a new rehab takes a little more work than going back to the facility a person already went to. When positive results happen, it is well worth it. Here are just a few of the reasons why.
A Fresh Perspective
At a new rehab, the person will have new experiences, different group activities, a different agenda, and different structure. Like treating an illness or disease, small nuances can make the biggest difference in the world. Every treatment center is unique. Things like the food, extracurricular activities, and a client’s sleeping quarters can make all the difference in the world. Also, trying a new location entirely can be beneficial. Going to rehab far from home is a good way to separate from their regular life and focus on healing. South Florida, for example, is known as the rehab capital of the world. The sunshine and warm air certainly help facilitate recovery.
A New Group of Doctors and Therapists
If a person is suffering from cancer, they will likely get multiple opinions before settling on one doctor. If they don’t have success with that one doctor, they will find another. It’s no different with addiction treatment in that there are different ways to approach addiction. It is only a matter of finding the one that works. At a new rehab, the doctors and therapists are new, and the patient is new to them. While it is important to know a patient’s history, they can gather that information without having preconceived ideas. A new team will have fresh ideas about ways to achieve sobriety. Also, the client’s relationship with their treatment team can be much stronger.
It Won’t Be Stale
Every single patient should be treated as a unique case in addiction treatment. By going to the same facility a person is bound to run into some of the same group activities. Some of the information is likely to be redundant. This alone can make a person tune out and not get everything they can and should get out of treatment. It is important to spend every moment in rehab soaking up as much information as possible. If a person gets bored, they are less likely to do so. By going to a new rehab, they will have exposure to new opinions, new group classes, and new facilitators. Even if the information is vaguely the same, a new person offers a fresh perspective.
New Services like Neurofeedback Therapy
Treatment facilities are beginning to use many alternative treatments in addition to clinical and therapeutic services. One such alterative at FHE Health is Neurofeedback Therapy and Training. It is a cutting-edge way to treat addiction by essentially training the patient’s brain to react differently. Neurofeedback exercises the brain so that it regains the function it had before it was reliant upon drugs or alcohol. It measures brain activity to understand more about the thought patterns and specific behaviors of the addict. Similarly, Neurofeedback Therapy helps mood disorders like anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder.
Treating a dual diagnosis of a mood disorder during treatment is a huge part of successful recovery. So much of releasing the grip of addiction is understanding how and why the urge to use is present. Biofeedback shows concrete data about how the brain causes the body to react, and what changes need to occur. It also allows the patient and clinician to carefully monitor progress and alter the course of treatment according to results.
Finally, by going to a new rehab, a client can look forward to success. With any ailment a person might face in life, there are multiple different ways to treat it. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is no different. It’s important that the person doesn’t give up until they find what works for them.
Going to a New Rehab is Worth It
Going to a new rehab can be just as scary as going to treatment for the first time. However, when a person is forced out of their comfort zone can enable them to learn new things. Different kinds of rehabs exist that specialize in various things. One may be more focused on alcohol abuse, while another on opioid addiction. Some may be more clinically focused, while others use beneficial treatments like Neurofeedback Therapy. It is all about seeing what is out there until the appropriate treatment center is matched with the client’s needs.
In order to achieve sustainable sobriety, a person has to fully commit themselves to his or her goal. Recovery is hard work; but, it is worth it in the long run. Never stop trying until you find success.